Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Another option is to use external or internal TURN server or publish a stream via RTMP or RTSP.

Redundancy support while publishing audio

Since build 5.2.1969 a redundancy is supported while publishing audio data (RED, RFC2198). This allows to reduce audio packet loss when using opus codec. The feature may be enabled with the following parameter

Code Block

Note that red codec should be set before opus codec. In this case a browser supporting RED will send a redundancy data in audio packets. Note that audio publishing bitrate will be raised.

RED should be excluded for the cases when it cannot be applied:

Code Block

Getting an additional information about publisher configuration

Since WebSDK 2.0.246 build shipped with WCS build 5.2.2015 and later an additional information about publisher configuration will be sent to server. The data may help to debug and solve a stream publishing issues.

The data are sent in REST hooks.

System and browser information

System and browser information is sent in /connect REST hook

Code Block
  "nodeId" : "VuQnlozpitGdVKzoIZg3f2JmJdMldzPV@",
  "appKey" : "defaultApp",
  "sessionId" : "/",
  "clientInfo" : {
    "architecture" : "x86",
    "bitness" : "64",
    "brands" : [ {
      "brand" : "Not/A)Brand",
      "version" : "8"
    }, {
      "brand" : "Chromium",
      "version" : "126"
    }, {
      "brand" : "Google Chrome",
      "version" : "126"
    } ],
    "fullVersionList" : [ {
      "brand" : "Not/A)Brand",
      "version" : ""
    }, {
      "brand" : "Chromium",
      "version" : "126.0.6478.127"
    }, {
      "brand" : "Google Chrome",
      "version" : "126.0.6478.127"
    } ],
    "mobile" : false,
    "model" : "",
    "platform" : "Windows",
    "platformVersion" : "10.0.0"

An architecture, OS version and full browser build number are available only in Chromium based browsers

System and browser information is available at server side in response to /connection/find  and /connection/find_all REST queries.

Publisher media devices information

Publisher media devices information is sent in /publishStream REST hook

Code Block
  "nodeId" : "d2hxbqNPE04vGeZ51NPhDuId6k3hUrBB@",
  "appKey" : "defaultApp",
  "sessionId" : "/",
  "mediaSessionId" : "bb237f90-39be-11ef-81b8-bda3bf19742b",
  "name" : "test",
  "published" : true,
  "localMediaInfo" : {
    "devices" : {
      "video" : [ {
        "id" : "bc18c5c2510d338d7b2c26bce4e37967feea3172f54ba2077558775d51839419",
        "label" : "HD Webcam C615 (046d:082c)",
        "type" : "camera"
      }, {
        "id" : "1f78289ccdbf27d67d605a35d6288acbdefe257275d4b5403525fb5cb1e1822e",
        "label" : "HP HD Camera (0408:5347)",
        "type" : "camera"
      } ],
      "audio" : [ {
        "id" : "de988681c02901db0bfe012cd393eb2db5245fc2fb34709a26686ae6ca85b3ba",
        "label" : "HD Webcam C615 Mono",
        "type" : "mic"
      }, {
        "id" : "default",
        "label" : "Default",
        "type" : "mic"
      }, {
        "id" : "e7f4beddb0d71ea1f618cf3bab0f7e94053b622ddaf312c403824caa006f5889",
        "label" : "Quantum 600 Mono",
        "type" : "mic"
      }, {
        "id" : "fc6ac664dec546102d3f83b7fb5981afe3f0e88f8b76ffbe660ecfdd989bcf96",
        "label" : "Family 17h (Models 10h-1fh) HD Audio Controller Analog Stereo",
        "type" : "mic"
      } ]
    "tracks" : {
      "video" : [ {
        "trackId" : "1922f1d0-3a3f-4fa5-bd6e-e91ac84c666c",
        "device" : "HD Webcam C615 (046d:082c)"
      } ],
      "audio" : [ {
        "trackId" : "44187ea1-b756-4feb-80f0-ac57934c2200",
        "device" : "MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode"
      } ]


  • devices - a media devices list available to the browser
  • tracks - what devices audio and video tracks of the stream published are capturing from

Publisher media devices information is available at server side in response to /stream/find  and /stream/find_all REST queries.

Known issues

1. If the web app is inside an iframe element, publishing of the video stream may fail.
