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WCS Google Cloud Platform instances support TCP Network load balancer.

WebSocket connections will be distributed between active load balancer instances. In case a scaling policy is executed (when the policy target – e.g., CPU load on instance - is reached) and new instances are launched, they will be added to the load balancer.

The following components would be required

  • Disk image to use in instance template
  • Instance template to create new server instances while autoscaling
  • Autoscale instance group
  • Load balancer
  • Server health checks


1. Create one Origin and one Edge server as described here. Reserve a static internal IP address to Origin server. Reserve external static IP address to use in load balancer

2. Configure CDN on Origin server side


Code Block

5. Prepare and import SSL certificates to Origiun and Egde servers. It is nor recommeded to use Let'sEncrypt because it requires to uodate Edge disk image every 3 months.

Create Edge disk image

1. Stop Edge server instance

2. In Google Cloud console, go to "Compute Engine - Images" section and click "Create image". Choose Edge instance disk as disk image source and click "Create"

Do not delete source Edge instance after disk image creation, it will be necessary for Edge disk image updating.

Create Edge instance template


4. Expand "Advanced creation options" and enable "Do not retry machine creation", then click "Create"

Image RemovedImage Added

Autoscaling instance gruop will be created, and one instance will be launched


5. In "Frontend configuration" section create TCP port configurations for ports 8081, 8080, 8443, 8444 for HTTP(S) and WS(S). Reserve Set external static IP address to load balancer


2. Go to Edge web interface using load balancer IP address. Play test stream in Player example

Updating Edge servers settings

To update Edge servers settings, for example, to update SSL certificates, Edge disk image must be updated as follows:

1. Disable autoscaling and delete all Edge instances in Edge instance group

2. Launch source Edge server instance

3. Update the settings as needed (for example, update SSL certificates)

4. Stop source Edge instance

5. Delete Edge disk image

6. Create new Edge dick image with the same name (for example, test-edge-image-1)

7. Enable autoscaling in Edge instance group (autoscaling settings will be preserved)