1. After transferring a video call the video may be missing
With the default settings of the WCS server the video may be missing after transferring a video call.
In this case you need to add the following setting to /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/conf/flashphoner.properties:
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video_streamer_generate_seq=true |
2. It's impossible to make a SIP call if 'SIP Login' and 'SIP Authentification name' fields are incorrect
Symptoms: SIP call stucks in PENDING state.
Solution: according to the standard, 'SIP Login' and 'SIP Authentification name' should not contain any of unescaped spaces and special symbols and should not be enclosed in angle brackets '<>'.
For example, this is not allowed by the standard
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sipLogin='Ralf C12441@host.com'
sipAuthenticationName='Ralf C'
and this is allowed
language | js |
theme | RDark |
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