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WCS server can be deployed in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) by two the following ways:

  1. Setting up Linux virtual machine and installing WCS from the scratch
  2. WCS automatic deployment from Amazon AWS Marketplace

Table of Contents

Setting up Linux virtual machine and installing WCS from the scratch

This way is useful if you need fine OS tuning, additional modules installation and so on. Launch a Linux virtual machine by this AWS manual, set it up on your need, then install WCS by quick or detailed installation manual.

WCS automatic deployment from Amazon AWS Marketplace

1. Open Web Call Server page on Amazon AWS Marketplace and click 'Continue to Subscribe':


11. Open WCS server web interface in your browser and accept security exception. On license key page enter your commercial or 30 days trial license key:

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12. Use the Instance ID of the launched virtual machine as the administrator password:

1312. Check WebRTC streaming from web camera and playing the stream using Two-way Streaming web example:

WCS deployment from AWS Marketplace image with custom settings

AWS Marketplace image contains only basic WCS settings. To customize the server, it is necessary to connect to the instance via SSH and restart WCS. However, to get ready to launch server "out of the box", it is possible to set up user script to reconfigure the server during the first start. This can be useful, for example, to deploy autoscaling group.

1. In EC2 Console go to "Instances - Instances" section and click "Launch instance"

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2. Choose Marketplace AMI "Web Call Server" using search string

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3. Review AMI information

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4. Choose instance type

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5. Scroll down "Configure Instance Details" page until the end and insert custom update and setup script to "User data" text box

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The setup script example to update WCS to latest build and to configure Origin server for WebRTC and RTMP streams publishing

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titleOrigin setup script

# Stop WCS before reconfiguring
PID="$(pgrep -f 'com.flashphoner.server.Server' | grep -v bash)"
if [ -n "$PID" ]; then
    service webcallserver stop

# Update WCS to the latest build (optionally, set to false if you don't)
if $UPDATE; then
    cd /tmp
    wget --timeout=10 --no-check-certificate -O wcs5-server.tar.gz
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        mkdir -p FlashphonerWebCallServer-5.2-latest && tar xzf wcs5-server.tar.gz -C FlashphonerWebCallServer-5.2-latest --strip-components 1
        cd FlashphonerWebCallServer-5.2-latest
        chmod +x
        ./ -silent
        cd ..
        rm -rf FlashphonerWebCallServer-5.2-latest wcs5-server.tar.gz

# Configuration setup

#CDN settings
echo -e "\ncdn_enabled=true" >> $WCS_CONFIG
echo -e "\ncdn_ip=$CDN_IP" >> $WCS_CONFIG
echo -e "\ncdn_role=$CDN_ROLE" >> $WCS_CONFIG
echo -e "\ncdn_nodes_resolve_ip=false" >> $WCS_CONFIG

# Request keyframes from WebRTC publishers every 5 seconds
echo -e "\nperiodic_fir_request=true" >> $WCS_CONFIG

# Disable RTMP keepalives to publish from OBS
echo -e "\nkeep_alive.enabled=websocket,rtmfp" >> $WCS_CONFIG

# Configure heap settings
sed -i -e "s/^\(-Xmx\).*\$/\1$HEAP_SIZE/" $JVM_CONFIG

# Start WCS after reconfiguring
PID="$(pgrep -f 'com.flashphoner.server.Server' | grep -v bash)"
if [ -n "$PID" ]; then
    service webcallserver restart
    service webcallserver start

# Disable internal firewall, ports are allowed/blocked on security group level
iptables -F

6. Configure security group. By default, the security group will be created from AMI settings. Add the necessary ports

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7. Click "Review and Launch". If all the parameters are correct, click "Launch"

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Server instance will be launched

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8. Open WCS web interface, publish test stream in Two Way Streaming example and play it

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Known issues

1. After migration to Amazon Linux 2 AMI as basic image, systemd is used for services management

Symptoms: the command

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sudo service webcallserver start


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Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start webcallserver.service

the command

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sudo service webcallserver check_update

does not work


a) use systemctl to start, stop, restart WCS

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sudo systemctl start webcallserver
sudo systemctl stop webcallserver
sudo systemctl restart webcallserver

b) use webcallserver script to check updates

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cd /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/bin
sudo ./webcallserver check_update
sudo ./webcallserver update