Example of player for Android

This player can be used to play any type of stream on Web Call Server

On the screenshot below an RTSP stream is being playing.

In the input fields

Work with code of the example

To analyze the code, let's take class PlayerActivity.java of the player example version with hash 4ed4c6d77, which can be downloaded with corresponding build

1. Initialization of the API. line 61


For initialization, object Сontext is passed to the init() method.

2. Connection to server.

Session for connection to server is created when Start button is clicked. line 89

session = Flashphoner.createSession(sessionOptions);

Session is created with method createSession(), to which object SessionOptions (line 83) with the following parameters is passed

Callback functions for session events are added (line 94)

session.on(new SessionEvent() {
    public void onConnected(final Connection connection) {
    public void onDisconnection(final Connection connection) {

Method Session.connect() is called to establish connection with WCS server. line 176

session.connect(new Connection());

3. Playback of video stream.

After establishing connection to the server, new video stream is created with method Session.createStream(). line 119
Object StreamOptions (line 114) with name of the stream is passed to the method.

playStream = session.createStream(streamOptions);

Method Stream.play() is called to play the stream. line 142

playStream.on(new StreamStatusEvent() {
    public void onStreamStatus(final Stream stream, final StreamStatus streamStatus) {
        runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { 
            public void run() { 
                if (!StreamStatus.PLAYING.equals(streamStatus)) {

Method Stream.play() is called to play the stream. line 142


5. Disconnection. line 188

Method Session.disconnect() is called to close connection to the server.
