Example of iOS application for stream recording

This streamer can be used to publish and record WebRTC video stream on Web Call Server.

On the screenshot below (from left to right)

In the URL specified in the input field

Above the input field video from the camera is displayed.
When publication is stopped, download link for the recording of the published stream is displayed.

Work with code of the example

To analyze the code, let's take StreamRecording example version with hash b21820c, which can be downloaded with build 2.2.4.

View class for the main view of the application: ViewController (header file ViewController.h; implementation file ViewController.m).

1. Import of API. ViewController.m, line 12

#import <FPWCSApi2/FPWCSApi2.h>

2. Connection to server.

ViewController method connect is called when Start button is tapped. ViewController.m, line 181

[self connect];

In the method,

- object with options for connection session is created (ViewController.m, line 34)

FPWCSApi2SessionOptions *options = [[FPWCSApi2SessionOptions alloc] init];
options.urlServer = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@://%@:%@", url.scheme, url.host, url.port];
options.appKey = @"defaultApp";

The options include URL of WCS server and appKey of internal server-side application.

- new session is created with method createSession (ViewController.m, line 40)

FPWCSApi2Session *session = [FPWCSApi2 createSession:options error:&error];

- callback functions for processing session statuses are added (ViewController.m, line 59)

[session on:kFPWCSSessionStatusEstablished callback:^(FPWCSApi2Session *rSession){
    [self changeConnectionStatus:[rSession getStatus]];
    [self onConnected:rSession];

[session on:kFPWCSSessionStatusDisconnected callback:^(FPWCSApi2Session *rSession){
    [self changeConnectionStatus:[rSession getStatus]];
    [self onDisconnected];

[session on:kFPWCSSessionStatusFailed callback:^(FPWCSApi2Session *rSession){
    [self changeConnectionStatus:[rSession getStatus]];
    [self onDisconnected];

Depending on the session status, corresponding ViewController method will be called to make appropriate changes in controls of the interface

- FPWCSApi2Session method connect is called to establish connection to server (ViewController.m, line 73)

[session connect];

3. Stream publishing.

When connection to the server is established, ViewController method publishStream is called to publish the stream. ViewController.m, line 140

[self publishStream];

In the method,

- object with stream publish options is created (ViewController.m, line 79)

FPWCSApi2StreamOptions *options = [[FPWCSApi2StreamOptions alloc] init];
options.name = streamName;
options.display = _remoteDisplay;
options.record = true;

The required options are stream name, view for displaying video and 'true' for parameter 'record' to enable stream recording.
Also, video constraints can be specified. E.g., in the example, constraints are added in case the iOS device is iPad:

if ( UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad ) {
    options.constraints = [[FPWCSApi2MediaConstraints alloc] initWithAudio:YES videoWidth:640 videoHeight:480 videoFps:15];

- new stream is created with FPWCSApi2Session method createStream (ViewController.m, line 87)

FPWCSApi2Stream *stream = [session createStream:options error:&error];

- callback functions for processing stream statuses are added (ViewController.m, line 105)

[stream on:kFPWCSStreamStatusPublishing callback:^(FPWCSApi2Stream *rStream){
    [self changeStreamStatus:rStream];
    [self onPublishing:rStream];

[stream on:kFPWCSStreamStatusUnpublished callback:^(FPWCSApi2Stream *rStream){
    [self changeStreamStatus:rStream];
    [self onUnpublished];

[stream on:kFPWCSStreamStatusFailed callback:^(FPWCSApi2Stream *rStream){
    [self changeStreamStatus:rStream];
    [self onUnpublished];

Depending on the stream status, corresponding ViewController method will be called to make appropriate changes in controls of the interface

- FPWCSApi2Stream method publish is called to publish the stream (ViewController.m, line 119)

[stream publish:&error]

4. Filename of the recording. ViewController.m, line 157

When the stream is published, FPWCSApi2Stream method getRecordName is used to get the filename of the stream recording.

recordName = [stream getRecordName];

5. Download link. ViewController.m, line 148

Stream recordings are saved to directory WCS_HOME/client/records.
When the session is closed, download link for the recording is formed.

NSString *urlString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://%@:9091/client/records/%@", url.host, recordName];


6. Disconnection. ViewController.m, line 174

FPWCSApi2Session method disconnect is called to close connection to the server when Stop button is tapped.

[session disconnect];