Example of video chat client for iOS

This example can be used to participate in video conference for two participants on Web Call Server and allows to publish WebRTC stream.

On the screenshot below the participant is connected, publishing a stream and playing streams from the other participant.

Input fields required for connecting to WCS server and joining conference

Two videos are played

Analyzing the code of the example

To analyze the code, let's take Video Chat example, which can be downloaded with corresponding build 2.5.2.

class for the main view of the application: ViewController (header file ViewController.h; implementation file ViewController.m).

1. Import of API. code

#import <FPWCSApi2/FPWCSApi2.h>

2. Connection to the server.

FPWCSApi2 createRoomManager code

FPWCSApi2RoomManagerOptions object with the following parameters is passed to createRoomManager() method

- (void)connect {
    FPWCSApi2RoomManagerOptions *options = [[FPWCSApi2RoomManagerOptions alloc] init];
    options.urlServer = _connectUrl.text;
    options.username = _connectLogin.input.text;
    NSError *error;
    roomManager = [FPWCSApi2 createRoomManager:options error:&error];

3. Joining a conference.

FPWCSApi2RoomManager join code

FPWCSApi2RoomOptions object with the name of the conference room is passed to the join() method

FPWCSApi2RoomOptions * options = [[FPWCSApi2RoomOptions alloc] init];
options.name = _joinRoomName.input.text;
room = [roomManager join:options];

4. Receiving the event describing chat room state

FPWCSApi2Room onStateCallback code

On this event:

[room onStateCallback:^(FPWCSApi2Room *room) {
    NSDictionary *participants = [room getParticipants];
    if ([participants count] >= 2) {
        [room leave:nil];
        _joinStatus.text = @"Room is full";
        [self changeViewState:_joinButton enabled:YES];
    NSString *chatState = @"participants: ";
    for (NSString* key in participants) {
        FPWCSApi2RoomParticipant *participant = [participants valueForKey:key];
        ParticipantView *pv = [freeViews pop];
        [busyViews setValue:pv forKey:[participant getName]];
        [participant play:pv.display];
        pv.login.text = [participant getName];
        chatState = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@, ", chatState, [participant getName]];

5. Video stream publishing.

FPWCSApi2Room publish code

The next stream options is passed to publish method:

- (void)publishButton:(UIButton *)button {
    [self changeViewState:button enabled:NO];
    if ([button.titleLabel.text isEqualToString:@"STOP"]) {
        [room unpublish];
    } else {
        FPWCSApi2StreamOptions * options = [[FPWCSApi2StreamOptions alloc] init];
        options.record = [_record.control isOn];
        publishStream = [room publish:_localDisplay withOptions:options];

6. Receiving the event notifying that other participant joined to the room

FPWCSApi2Room kFPWCSRoomParticipantEventJoined participantCallback code

[room on:kFPWCSRoomParticipantEventJoined participantCallback:^(FPWCSApi2Room *room, FPWCSApi2RoomParticipant *participant) {
    ParticipantView *pv = [freeViews pop];
    if (pv) {
        pv.login.text = [participant getName];
        _messageHistory.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n%@ - %@", _messageHistory.text, participant.getName, @"joined"];
        [busyViews setValue:pv forKey:[participant getName]];

7. Receiving the event notifying that other participant published video stream.

FPWCSApi2Room kFPWCSRoomParticipantEventPublished participantCallback, FPWCSApi2RoomParticipant play code

On this event, video stream from other participant playback is started

[room on:kFPWCSRoomParticipantEventPublished participantCallback:^(FPWCSApi2Room *room, FPWCSApi2RoomParticipant *participant) {
    ParticipantView *pv = [busyViews valueForKey:[participant getName]];
    if (pv) {
        [participant play:pv.display];

8. Receiving the event notifying that other participant sent a message.

FPWCSApi2Room onMessageCallback code

[room onMessageCallback:^(FPWCSApi2Room *room, FPWCSApi2RoomMessage *message) {
    _messageHistory.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n%@ - %@", _messageHistory.text, message.from, message.text];

9. Sending a message to other room participant.

FPWCSApi2RoomParticipant sendMessage code

The message text is passed to the metod.

- (void)sendButton:(UIButton *)button {
    for (NSString *name in [room getParticipants]) {
        FPWCSApi2RoomParticipant *participant = [room getParticipants][name];
        [participant sendMessage:_messageBody.text];
    _messageHistory.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n%@ - %@", _messageHistory.text, _connectLogin.input.text, _messageBody.text];
    _messageBody.text = @"";

10. Mute/unmute audio and video for stream published.

FPWCSApi2Stream unmuteAudio, muteAudio, unmuteVideo, muteVideo code

- (void)muteAudioChanged:(id)sender {
    if (publishStream) {
        if (_muteAudio.control.isOn) {
            [publishStream muteAudio];
        } else {
            [publishStream unmuteAudio];

- (void)muteVideoChanged:(id)sender {
    if (publishStream) {
        if (_muteVideo.control.isOn) {
            [publishStream muteVideo];
        } else {
            [publishStream unmuteVideo];

11. Stop stream publishing.

FPWCSApi2Room unpublish code

- (void)publishButton:(UIButton *)button {
    [self changeViewState:button enabled:NO];
    if ([button.titleLabel.text isEqualToString:@"STOP"]) {
        [room unpublish];
    } else {

12. Leaving chat room.

FPWCSApi2Room leave код

Server REST app response handler function is passed to the method.

if ([button.titleLabel.text isEqualToString:@"LEAVE"]) {
    if (room) {
        FPWCSApi2DataHandler *handler = [[FPWCSApi2DataHandler alloc] init];
        handler.onAccepted = ^(FPWCSApi2Session *session, FPWCSApi2Data *data){
            [self onUnpublished];
            [self onLeaved];
        handler.onRejected = ^(FPWCSApi2Session *session, FPWCSApi2Data *data){
            [self onUnpublished];
            [self onLeaved];
        [room leave:handler];
        room = nil;

13. Disconnection.

FPWCSApi2RoomManager disconnect code

- (void)connectButton:(UIButton *)button {
    [self changeViewState:button enabled:NO];
    if ([button.titleLabel.text isEqualToString:@"DISCONNECT"]) {
        if (roomManager) {
            [roomManager disconnect];