
Since build 2.0.160 Web SDK is available as NPM package @flashphoner/websdk

npm i @flashphoner/websdk

The package contains the source code to build a custom bundle and pre-build bundle to use in browser

<script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/@flashphoner/websdk/flashphoner.js"></script>

Demo examples are available in package examples subfolder

Frameworks support

Today, Web SDK NPM package is successfully tested in applications using the following frameworks

Typescript support

Since build 2.0.203 exported functions, classes and constants typings are added to use in Typescript applications. Typescript declaration files are placed in the same folder with WebSDK source files

# ls -n @flashphoner/websdk/src/*.d.ts
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000   33 Oct 12 14:16 @flashphoner/websdk/src/constants.d.ts
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 6768 Oct 12 14:30 @flashphoner/websdk/src/flashphoner-core.d.ts
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000  768 Oct 12 14:44 @flashphoner/websdk/src/room-module.d.ts

Web SDK usage example in React application written in Typescript is described here.

Using RoomApi in React application

The following additional import is necessary to make main WebSDK functions work correctly while using RoomApi in React application

import * as Flashphoner from '@flashphoner/websdk/src/flashphoner-core.js';
import * as RoomApi from '@flashphoner/websdk/src/room-module.js';