


loadtool enable

loadtool enable

Enable the load balancer tool

loadtool create

loadtool create test1

Create the load test

loadtool configure

loadtool configure --max-subscribers 5

Configure the load test

loadtool start

loadtool start test1

Start the load test

loadtool stop

loadtool stop test1

Stop the load test

loadtool status

loadtool status test1

Check the status of the load test

node start

node start

Start the WCS server

node stop

node stop

Stop the WCS server

node restart

node restart

Restart the WCS server

qa reload

qa reload

Reload tests from the /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/conf/qa directory

qa list

qa list

See the list of tests

qa start

qa start 1,2,3

Run test(s) with the specified identifier(s)

qa log

qa log

See test results

qa status

qa status

See last test status

qa clients

qa clients

See the list and status of test clients

watchdog start

watchdog start CoreProcessDown,EventScannerDown,SIPRegDoesNotWork

Start Watchdog

watchdog stop

watchdog stop

Stop Watchdog