WCS default settings are mostly universal and need to be tuned to certain client case.

Garbage collector tuning

Garbage collector (GC) is an important part of Java VM. When GC is running, it dramatically increases the server load and may stop another tasks execution, therefore it is recommended to minimize GC launch with the following settings in wcs-core.properties file

#Disable heuristic rules

#Reduce Old Gen threshold

# Use System.gc() concurrently in CMS

# Disable System.gc() for RMI, for 10000 hours

Operative memory tuning

Many objects with data are created and destroyed in memory while streaming. Therefore it is recommended to allocate at least 1/2 of server physical memory for Java memory heap. For example, if server RAM is 32 Gb, then it is recommended to allocate 16 Gb with the following settings in wcs-core.properties file


Besides, if REST hooks are not used, the work with memory may be optimized by switching off the interaction between WCS core and WCS manager with the setting in flashphoner.properties file


UDP tuning

Streaming mediadata are transferred with UDP packets. Those packets can be dropped, for example if server does not have enough time to parse packet queue, that leads to picture quality loss and freezes. To escape this it is necessary to tune UDP sockets buffers with the following settingsin flashphoner.properties file

rtp_send_buffer_size =13107200

and to tune system queues with command

ip link set txqueuelen 2000 dev eth0

To diagnose UDP problem, it is necessary to track UDP packets dropping with command

dropwatch -l kas