1. Download sources

cd /usr/local/src

Download from Git: https://github.com/flashphoner/flashphoner_client/tree/wcs_api-2.0

wget https://github.com/flashphoner/flashphoner_client/archive/wcs_api-2.0.zip
unzip wcs_api-2.0.zip

Download latest WebSDK buildĀ from this page

wget https://flashphoner.com/downloads/builds/flashphoner_client/wcs_api-2.0/flashphoner-api-
tar -xvf flashphoner-api-

Copy media-source-media-provider.js from flashphoner_client build to the sources

cp flashphoner-api-0.5.25/examples/demo/dependencies/mse/media-source-media-provider.js flashphoner_client-wcs_api-2.0/src

2. Download Flex SDK

This is require for Flash support only. If you plan to build WebRTC only, skip this step

mkdir flex_sdk_4.6
wget http://download.macromedia.com/pub/flex/sdk/flex_sdk_4.6.zip
unzip flex_sdk_4.6.zip -d flex_sdk_4.6

3. Install npm and grunt

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
nvm install 12
npm install -g grunt

4. Install npm modules

cd flashphoner_client-wcs_api-2.0
npm install
sed -i -e 's@static-link-runtime-shared-libraries=true@static-link-runtime-shared-libraries=false@g' node_modules/grunt-flash-compiler/tasks/flash-compiler.js

5. Build WebSDK

Building all the bundles by default

To build all the bundles run the following

grunt release

Building all the bundles including Flash support

To build all the bundles with Flash support run the following

FLEX_HOME=~/flex_sdk_4.6 grunt with-flash

Since build 2.0.222, Flash will not work even in a browsers where it is still available without this step.

Building mediaproviders bundles

To build bundles with excluded media providers run the following

grunt browserify
grunt minify

Building WebRTC only bundle

To build WebRTC only bundle run the following

grunt webrtc
grunt minify

6. Copy scripts for WSPlayer

For WSPlayer, WSReceiver2.js and video-worker2.js are required. The scripts are available in flashphoner_client build.

cp ../flashphoner-api-0.5.25/examples/demo/dependencies/websocket-player release/*/examples/demo/dependencies -R