
OBS Studio is a free and open source software for video recording and live streaming.

Quick manual on testing

1. For test we use:

  • WCS server
  • OBS Studio
  • Player web application in Chrome browser to stream playback

2. Set up RTMP strteaming to the server address, for example rtmp://test1.flashphoner.com:1935/live/, set the stream key obsStream:

3. Start streaming in OBS Studio:

4. Open Player application. Set the stream key in 'Stream' field and press 'Start' button. The stream captured playback begins.

Known issues

1. OBS Studio does no support KeepAlive.

Symptoms: disconnection occurs often while stream publishing with RTMP-encoder.

Solution: switch KeepAlive off for RTMP on the server using the following parameter in flashphoner.properties file
