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Web Call Server 5.2
Web Call Server 5.2
WCS 5.2 release notes
Quick deployment and testing of the server
WCS update to 5.2
Installing and testing
Installing and testing
Requirements and prerequisites
License types and server requirements
WCS installation and activation
Starting and stopping
Testing using the web interface
Installation troubleshooting
Checking for updates and updating
Working with the server
Working with the server
Server core (WCS Core)
Main commands
Core settings
Core settings
Core settings config file
Settings file loadbalancing.xml
Settings file
Settings file
Settings file
Settings file
Settings file rtsp.auth
Key store wss.jks
File flashphoner.serverid
Certificate myflashphoner-ca
SDP settings files
Settings file database.yml
SSL certificates management
SSL certificates management
SSL certificates management
Websocket SSL
Receiving and importing Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
WCS Core logs
Using SSH tunnel
Connecting from JConsole
Connecting from Visual VM
Connecting from Java Mission Control
WCS integration to Prometheus
WCS to Zabbix integration
Load and resource usage information
Information about errors and configuration parameters
Stream parameters monitoring with REST API
Server health check
Centralized stream statistics and CDN events collection to MySQL DB
Centralized server data logging to ClickHouse DB
Command line interface
Command line interface
Command line interface
Using and accessing command line
Access restriction from certain interfaces
Complete list of CLI commands
Public key authorization
Users management
Applications management
Server settings management
CLI v 2
CLI v 2
CLI v 2
Using and accessing CLI v 2
Access restriction to CLI v2 from certain interfaces
Complete list of CLI v 2 commands
Streams management
Connections management
CDN node management
Network traffic analysis
Network traffic analysis
Network traffic analysis
Server domain name support as external address
HTTP interfaces access restriction
Websocket connections restriction by domain
Stream publishing and playback restriction by name
Websocket client URI configuration
Media ports management
Server ports configuration to accept client connections
Thread pools tuning
Diagnostics and troubleshooting
Diagnostics and troubleshooting
Diagnostics and troubleshooting
Preparing an error report
Possible problems and how to solve them
Java service tool
Accessory tools
How to get license number
CPU load investigation
Stack trace logging
DNS testing and caching
Server tuning recommendations
Memory management in Java
Server performance testing
Server time adjustment
Before moving to production
Server functions
Streaming video functions
Streaming video functions
Stream capturing and publishing to the server
Stream capturing and publishing to the server
From a web camera in a browser via WebRTC
From the computer screen (screen sharing) in a browser via WebRTC
From an HTML5 Canvas element (whiteboard) in a browser via WebRTC
Using RTMP encoder
Using RTMP encoder
Using RTMP encoder
Using ffmpeg
Using OBS Studio
Using Wirecast
Using Adobe FMLE
From an IP camera via RTSP
From other server via RTMP
RTMP stream republishing from other RTMP server
From another WCS server via WebRTC
From an Android mobile app via WebRTC
From an iOS mobile app via WebRTC
Capturing VOD from a file
RTP stream publishing via RTSP
MPEG-TS RTP stream publishing
WebRTC publishing via WHIP
Using Flash Player via RTMP
Automatic streams capture on server start
RTSP-interleaved stream capture from dump file
Managing camera and microphone
Bitrate management when capturing WebRTC stream in browser
Key frames management while capturing WebRTC in browser
Published stream normalizing
Jitter buffer and frames collection in stream published
Captured stream management
Captured stream management
Stream recording
Stopping the video stream on the server side
Taking a PNG snapshot of the stream
Stream decoding
Stream transcoding
Stream watermarking
FPS filter
Using AAC codecs
WebRTC stream picture rotation
Minimal publishing bitrate control
Decoded frames interception and handling
Decoded frames interception and hangling with OpenCV
Server audio processing
Injecting one stream into another
Playing a video stream from the server
Playing a video stream from the server
In a browser via WebRTC
In a browser via MSE
In a browser via Websocket + Canvas, WSPlayer
In a browser via HLS
In an Android mobile application via WebRTC
In an iOS mobile application via WebRTC
In a player via RTSP
In a player via RTMP
In a browser with Delight Player
In a browser via WebRTC ABR
In a browser using Flash Player via RTMP
Stream availability for playback
Publishing and playing stream via WebRTC over TCP
Publisher and player channel quality control
WebRTC traffic encryption hardware acceleration
DTLS support for WebRTC streaming
WebRTC RTP bundle support
IPv6 support for WebRTC
Websocket traffic proxying for WebRTC publishing/playing
H264 encoding profiles management
Stream event passing to subscribers
Republishing a video stream
Republishing a video stream
Republishing a video stream
Republishing to other RTMP server
Republishing to other RTMP server
Republishing to other RTMP server
Republishing to Youtube
Republishing to Facebook
Republishing to WCS
Republishing to Wowza
Republishing to AWS MediaLive
Republishing to Azure Media Services
Republishing to Periscope, Twitch, Telergam etc
To another WCS server via WebRTC
Working with chat rooms
Stream mixer functions
Stream mixer functions
Stream mixer
Real-time stream mixer with MCU functions
Custom mixer layout configuration with a special markup language
SFU functions with Simulcast
Streaming video CDN functions
Streaming video CDN functions
Actual CDN version
CDN 1.0
CDN 2.0
CDN 2.1
CDN 2.2
CDN 2.3
CDN 2.4
CDN 2.5
CDN 2.6
CDN 2.7
Choosing a protocol to transfer media data within CDN
DTLS support for WebRTC between CDN servers
Network traffic flow between CDN servers behind NAT
Stream publishing to CDN servers restriction
CDN nodes name resolution
Streaming video and SIP integration functions
Streaming video and SIP integration functions
Stream capturing from a SIP call
Redirecting a SIP call to a stream (SIP as Stream function)
Republishing a SIP call to an RTMP stream to the given server (SIP as RTMP function)
Republishing incoming SIP call to a stream
Redirecting a stream to a SIP call using `/call/inject_stream`
Redirecting an audio file to a SIP call using `/call/inject_sound`
SIP call stream raw audio recording
WebRTC SIP gateway functions
WebRTC SIP gateway functions
SIP calls in a WebRTC-compatible browser
SIP calls using Android SDK
SIP calls using iOS SDK
DTMF support
SIP complex functions
SIP complex functions
A call between two browsers made via the SIP server
A call to a SIP conference
A call to a mobile phone via the SIP server
Known issues
Hardware acceleration support for video transcoding
Working through Firewall
Working through Firewall
TURN server
Load testing
Load testing
Server settings tests
Load testing using another server
Load testing using WebRTC/RTMP pulling
Stress test for SIP calls
Mixer load testing
Scripts to test a maximum number of WebRTC publishers/subscribers
Load balancing
Load balancing
Load balancer setup based on HAProxy
Obsoleted internal balancer functions
Obsoleted internal balancer functions
Obsoleted internal balancer functions
Balancer architecture
Configuring and starting the balancer
Raw WebSocket API
API overview
API methods
Returned objects
REST Hooks
REST Hooks
REST Methods
Invoking a REST method
Authorization on backend
Four types of REST methods
Four types of REST methods
Four types of REST methods
Type 1 - the connect method
Type 2 - the direct invoke
Type 3 - the event
Type 4 - the incoming call
The list of methods and their parameters
restClientConfig object description
Controlling REST methods
The match between client invocations and REST methods
REST methods object fields
Event states
Data exchange - OnDataEvent
Error handling
Sending custom error message to a client
Using REST hook to authorize user by domain
WCS in Amazon EC2
WCS in Amazon EC2
WCS in Amazon EC2
AWS load balancer with auto scale quick setup
coturn setup in AWS EC2 intance
Deploying WCS with CloudFormation
WCS on Digital Ocean
WCS on Google Cloud Platform
WCS on Google Cloud Platform
WCS on Google Cloud Platform
GCP load balancer with autoscale quick setup
WCS in Yandex.Cloud
WCS in Docker
WCS in Equinix Metal (ex Packet.Net)
WCS in WSL 2
Technical support
Web SDK 2.0
Web SDK 2.0
WebSDK 2.0 release notes
Web server installation
Building JavaScript API from sources
NPM package
Backward compatibility
WebSDK streaming video examples
WebSDK streaming video examples
2 Players
Embed Player
HLS.js Player
HLS Native Player
HLS VideoJS Player
Two-way Streaming
Media Devices
Stream Recording
Several Streams Recording
Stream Snapshot
Stream Local Snapshot
Screen Sharing
Video Conference
Video Chat
Video Chat and Screen Sharing
WebRTC as RTMP re-publishing
Firewall Streaming
Stream Diagnostic
MCU client
Stream Filter
Streaming Auto Restore
Screen Sharing with Camera
WebSDK SIP functions examples
WebSDK SIP functions examples
Click to Call
Phone Video
Phone UI
React integration examples
React integration examples
Conference React
Two Way Streaming React
Two Way Streaming in Typescript
Vue integration examples
Vue integration examples
Two Way Streaming Vue
Video publishing and playback on mobile devices
Websocket connection control options
How to reconnect to a stream automatically
Publishing a stream using custom HTML5 video element
Playing a stream in custom HTML5 video element
Start stream playback with muted audio
Muted audio notification when starting a stream playback automatically
Rewinding (DVR) while playing HLS
Publishing channel bandwidth testing
Restore streaming from a chosen camera in iOS Safari
WebSDK error handling
Flash SDK
Flash SDK
Flash Streaming
Flash Video Chat
iOS SDK 2.0
iOS SDK 2.0
iOS SDK release notes
iOS SDK release notes
iOS SDK 2.5 release notes
iOS SDK 2.6 release notes
How to build examples using Xcode before 10
How to build examples using Xcode 10 and higher
Swift Package Manager support
iOS SDK Swift framework integration
Using WebRTC framework shipped with iOS SDK
ARM64 architecture support to build on ARM based Mac
Excluding hardware architectures before uploading to AppStore
iOS SDK streaming video examples
iOS SDK streaming video examples
iOS Streamer
iOS Player
iOS 2 Players
iOS Media Devices
iOS Stream Recording
iOS Two-way Streaming
iOS Video Conference
iOS Video Chat
iOS GPUImageDemo
iOS SDK SIP functions examples
iOS SDK SIP functions examples
iOS Click to Call
iOS Phone
iOS Phone Video
iOS SDK Swift framework examples
iOS SDK Swift framework examples
iOS Media Devices Swift
iOS Two Way Streaming Swift
iOS MCU Client Swift
iOS Image Overlay Swift
iOS WebView Swift
iOS Screen Capturer Swift
iOS GPUImageDemo Swift
iOS Call Kit Demo Swift
iOS MultiPlayer Swift
iOS SDK error handling
Using RTCMTLVideoView to display a video
Full screen video displaying
Custom HTTP headers using while establishing Websocket connection
Using UDP or TCP transport for WebRTC
Muting playback volume
Audio/video track status detection: muted/unmuted
Sending JSON data to stream subscribers
Stream availability checking
Publishing bitrate constraints support
Connection to an existing session
Android SDK 1.0 (Android 7 and older)
Android SDK 1.0 (Android 7 and older)
Android SDK 1.0 release notes
Android SDK streaming video examples
Android SDK streaming video examples
Android Streamer
Android Player
Android 2 Players
Android Media Devices
Android Stream Recording
Android Two-way Streaming
Android Video Conference
Android Video Chat
Android SDK SIP functions examples
Android SDK SIP functions examples
Android Click to Call
Android Phone
Android Phone Video
Android SDK error handling
SurfaceViewRenderer management in Android application
Stream publishing from Android application in background mode
WebRTC playback volume control
Server SSL certificates checking while Websocket connection establishing
Bluetooth headphone usage
Publishing/playback channel quality control
Using UDP or TCP transport for WebRTC publishing/playback
Audio/video track status detection: muted/unmuted
Android SDK 1.1 (Android 8 and newer)
Android SDK 1.1 (Android 8 and newer)
Android SDK 1.1 release notes
Android SDK streaming video examples
Android SDK streaming video examples
Android Streamer
Android Player
Android 2 Players
Android Media Devices
Android Stream Recording
Android Two-way Streaming
Android Video Conference
Android Video Chat
Android Audio Chat
Android Screen sharing
Android MCU Client
Android Webview
Android GPUImage
Android Camera Manager
Android 2 Sessions
Android SDK SIP functions examples
Android SDK SIP functions examples
Android Click to Call
Android Phone
Android Phone Video
Android SDK error handling
SurfaceViewRenderer management in Android application
Stream publishing from Android application in background mode
WebRTC playback volume control
Screen capturing in Android 10 and newer
Custom HTTP headers using while establishing Websocket connection
Flashlight management while publishing video from main camera
Muting and unmuting user actions in Android application
Server SSL certificates checking while Websocket connection establishing
Bluetooth headphone usage
Publishing/playback channel quality control
Using UDP or TCP transport for WebRTC publishing/playback
Video capturing from custom software source
Stream availability checking by name
Audio/video track status detection: muted/unmuted
Sending JSON data to stream subscribers
Microphone testing and sound level receiving
Publishing bitrate constraints support
Connection to an existing session
Video surface renderer objects initialization
Building AAB to upload to Google Play
SFU SDK release notes
Building SFU SDK from source
NPM package
SFU SDK Examples
SFU SDK Examples
Building the examples
SFU SDK builds before 2.0.248
SFU SDK builds before 2.0.248
SFU client
SFU client
SFU client
main.js - main application logic
controls.js - code to handle client controls
chat.js - code to handle chat in the room
display.js - code that is responsible for displaying local and remote media
SFU common modules
SFU common modules
SFU common modules
config.js - room configuration and local media access
display.js - video and audio capturing and displaying
SFU Player
SFU Two Way Streaming
WebRTC ABR Player
SFU SDK builds 2.0.248 and later
SFU SDK builds 2.0.248 and later
SFU client
SFU client
SFU client 2.0.248 and later
SFU common modules
SFU common modules
SFU Player
SFU Two Way Streaming
WebRTC ABR Player
SFU Bitrate Test
Audio/video tracks identification
Websocket server connection control
Video ABR playback using WebRTC statistics data
Publishing channel bandwidth testing
Web server installation
WCS OAM 1.0 release notes
Backend server installation and update
Backend server setup and launch
WCS setup
Stream metrics storage
Stream metrics storage
Stream metrics storage
Stream metrics storage in Influx DB
Stream metrics storage in Timescale DB
Stream history storage in SQL DB
Interaction with backend server
Data acquisition from WCS
Data acquisition from WCS
Data acquisition from WCS
Profile management
Rule management
Node management
Obtaining stream information from backend server
Obtaining realtime stream information
Obtaining realtime stream information
Obtaining realtime stream information
Alarm management
Testing with web interface
OBS WebRTC 1.0
OBS WebRTC 1.0
OBS WebRTC 1.0 release notes
Installation and launch
Setup and testing
WCS test stand 1.0
WCS test stand 1.0
WCS Stand 1.0 release notes
Quick start
Docker images building
Stand management
Accessing the stand containers
API overview
API methods
Returned objects