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Websocket client URI configuration

Publishers and subscribers connection configuration

By default, publishers and subscribers establish Websocket connections by the following address


where wcs_address is WCS server address.

Since build 5.2.797 it is possible to change Websoket URI for clients connection with the following parameter in file, for example


In this case clints should connect to the following address


where wcs_address is WCS server address.

Another WCS server connection configuration (including CDN)

By default, one WCS server (or CDN node) connects to another WCS server to publish or pull a stream using the following address


where wcs_address is WCS server address.

Since build 5.2.797 it is possible to change Websoket URI for another WCS servers connection with the following parameter in file, for example


In this case another WCS servers should connect to the server where this setting is applied using the following address


where wcs_address is WCS server address.

This parameter must be the same on all WCS servers in CDN for media traffic to pass between the servers