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Testing with web interface

For backend server testing purposes, there is a web interface available by URL https://hostname:8090/index.html

Profile addition

To add a profile, fill the Name, Rate, Rules and Metrics fields. Press Profile new

Press Profile list. A list of profiles will appear at the bottom of the page

Rule addition to a profile

To add a rule, fill Name, Value, Profiles fields. Press Rule new

Press Rule list. A list of rules will appear at the bottom of the page

Node addition

To add a node, fill Ip, Port, ProfileList fields. Press Node new

Press Node list. A list of nodes will appear at the bottom of the page

Obtaining current information about streams

Open Two-way Streaming example, publish a stream. Set the node identifier and press Stream cache list

A list of streams will appear at the bottom of the page

Copy node and mediaId parameters to MediaId и NodeId fields, press STOMP subscribe

In a separate browser tab, video bitrate graph begins to be drawn

Press Close. The graph tab will be closed, STOMP messages with stream data will be stopped