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Stream availability checking

Since iOS SDK build 2.6.48 it is possible to check if a stream with a given name is available on a server for playback, like WebSDK function Stream.available().

To do this:

  1. Create a separate Stream object with the stream name to check availability
    Objective C code

         FPWCSApi2Session *session = [FPWCSApi2 getSessions][0];
         FPWCSApi2StreamOptions *options = [[FPWCSApi2StreamOptions alloc] init]; = _remoteStreamName.text;
         options.display = _remoteDisplay;
         FPWCSApi2Stream *stream = [session createStream:options error:nil];
    Swift code
         let options = FPWCSApi2StreamOptions() = playName.text;
         options.display = remoteDisplay.videoView;
         do {
             playStream = try session!.createStream(options)
         } catch {

  2. Call FPWCSApi2Stream.available() method with callback function to get availability status and reason if stream is not available
    Objective C code

         [stream available:^(BOOL available, NSString *info) {
             [self changeViewState:button enabled:YES];
             if (available) {
                 _remoteStreamStatus.text = @"AVAILABLE";
                 _remoteStreamStatus.textColor = [UIColor greenColor];
             } else {
                 _remoteStreamStatus.text = info;
                 _remoteStreamStatus.textColor = [UIColor redColor];
    Swift code
         do {
             playStream = try session!.createStream(options)
             playStream?.available({ (available, info) in
                 self.changeViewState(self.availableButton, true)
                 if (available) {
                     self.playStatus.text = "AVAILABLE"
                     self.playStatus.textColor = .green
                 } else {
                     self.playStatus.text = info
                     self.playStatus.textColor = .red
         } catch {