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Requirements and prerequisites

Backend server minimal requirements are the same as for WCS, except for disk storage - greater is better, if the database is on the same server.

One of recommended time series DB should be installed to store stream metric values, and SQL DB should be installed to store stream history data (Postgresql is recommended). Database can be on the same server, or on separate servers.

Backend server installation and update

To install backend server:

1. Download current version from this page


2. Unpack archive FlashphonerWebCallServerOAM-1.XXX.tar.gz

tar -xvzf FlashphonerWebCallServerOAM-1.XXX.tar.gz

3. Go to folder from archive


4. Start installation script and follow its instructions


Backed server update should be done the same way.

Installation to a different Java versions

JDK 12 or 14

The following settings should be removed from file


The following setting


should be replaced by


JDK 15

In addition to setting changing for JDK 12 or 14, the following settings should be removed from file

  • No labels