Main stand configuration
Main stand configuration parameters are set in stand.conf/wcs-stand.conf
file as environment variables:
CONTAINER_PREFIX=wcs-oam-test IMAGE_PREFIX=wcs_oam_test DOCKER_NETWORK=bridge CDN_NODES=o-test1,o-test2,e-test1,e-test2,e-test3,e-test4,t-test1,t-test2 CDN_ENTRY_POINT=o-test1 FFMPEG_NODE=ffmpeg WCS_PATH=/usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer
- CONTAINER_PREFIX - container name prefix
- IMAGE_PREFIX - docker image prefix
- DOCKER_NETWORK - docker network
- CDN_NODES - test WCS CDN node names
- CDN_ENTRY_POINT - CDN entry point node
- FFMPEG_NODE - node name to publish RTMP streams to CDN using ffmpeg
- WCS_PATH - WCS installation path
Docker network configuration
To set IP addresses explicitly to test nodes, a separate docker network should be set in main stand configuration file
- DOCKER_NETWORK - docker network
- DOCKER_SUBNET - docker network IP subnet
- DOCKER_GATEWAY - docker network gateway
- DOCKER_HOST_IFACE - external docker host interface
The network should be created using stand-network
sudo ./stand-network start
Docker netwrok interface will be set as br-$DOCKER_NETWORK
, br-stand for example. Packet forwarding rules will be added to iptables:
Node configuration
Node configuration file `node.conf` should be placed to `stand.conf` folder, to subfolder named as node. The node settings are environment variables depending on node type. Also, there can be addition configuration files placed to node subfolder, those files will be copied to node container
The following parameters are mandatory for all the nodes
- NODE_IP - node IP address
- NODE_PORTS - node ports available from docker host and external networks
Additional parameter can be set
- CHECK_PORT - TCP port to check node availability
WCS node configuration
WCS node configuration file node.conf
NODE_IP="" NODE_PORTS=22,554,1935,8080-8084,8443-8445,8888,9091,30000-33000/tcp,30000-33000/udp JAVA_VERSION=8 JAVA_GC=CMS JAVA_HEAP=2g WCS_LICENSE="Put-your-license-key-here" CDN_ROLE=origin PRODUCT_LINK="" PRODUCT_ACCESS_LOGIN=staff PRODUCT_ACCESS_PASSWORD=X5RLgmrTiK25
- JAVA_VERSION - JVM version (8 or 12)
- JAVA_GC - GC to use (CMS or ZGC)
- JAVA_HEAP - Java heap size in Gb
- WCS_LICENSE - WCS license number
- CDN_ROLE - CDN node role
- PRODUCT_LINK - WCS build download link
- PRODUCT_ACCESS_LOGIN - login to access WCS download link (for enterprise customers only)
- PRODUCT_ACCESS_PASSWORD - password to access WCS download link (for enterprise customers only)
Also, the following files can be placed to node configuration folder:
- *.sdp
- cdn_profiles.yml
- wss.jks
Those files are copied to container "as is", without any changes.
The node CDN role can be set as parameter or can be detected by node name:
o-* - Origin
t-* - Transcoder
e-* - Edge
Also, node CDN role can be set explicitly in cile to be copied to the container
RTMP streams publisher node configuration
RTMP stream publisher node configuration file node.conf
- MEDIA_MOUNT - docker host folder to mount to the container
A docker host folder should be set to mount to the container, the *.mp4 files to publish should be placed to this folder
Also, the following files can be placed to node configuration folder:
- *.mp4 files to copy to MEDIA_MOUNT folder
- *.sh files to copy to MEDIA_MOUNT folder
RTMP streams publishing to Origin servers
If there are publishing scripts in MEDIA_MOUNT folder, the scripts will be executed for every node with Origin role set by node configuration or node name. In this case, node IP address is passed to the script as parameter.
If node roles are set in files only, the publishing scripts are executed without passing node IP address. In this case, node IP addressee to publish shold be set in the script.
If there are *.mp4 files in MEDIA_MOUNT folder, and there are no any publishing script, every media file will be published to every node with Origin role set by node configuration or node name.