Information on load and resources of the WCS server is available via the port 8081 at this URL
where - is the actual address of the WCS server.
The information includes data on published and played streams, SIP calls and server specifications.
Statistics parameters
connections_stats | Connections to the WCS server |
connections | Overall number of connections |
connections_rtmfp | Number of RTMFP connections (Flash) |
connections_websocket | Number of WebSocket connections |
port_stats | Ports used by the WCS server |
ports_media_free | Free media ports |
ports_media_busy | Busy media ports |
ports_media_quarantine | Media ports in quarantine |
ports_wcs_agents_free | Free CDN used ports |
ports_wcs_agents_busy | Busy CDN used ports |
ports_wcs_agents_quarantine | CDN used ports in quarantine |
ports_rest_api_leased | Ports used to connect to a backend |
ports_rest_api_available | Ports used to connect to a backend in CLOSE_WAIT state |
ports_rest_api_pending | Requests to connect to a backend when all the outgoing ports are busy |
streams_stats | Audio and video stream sessions on the WCS server |
streams_rtsp_in | Number of active RTSP sessions sending traffic |
streams_rtsp_out | Number of active RTSP sessions receiving traffic |
streams_websocket_out | Number of active streams played by WebSocket |
streams_rtmp_out | Number of active RTMP streams |
streams_webrtc_in | Number of active streams published via WebRTC |
streams_webrtc_out | Number of active streams played via WebRTC |
streams_rtmfp_in | Number of active streams published via RTMFP |
streams_rtmfp_out | Number of active streams played via RTMFP |
streams_viewers | Number of active clients playing published streams |
streams_synchronization | Streams published synchronization |
native_resources | Information about resource usage |
native_resources | Information about encoding/decoding of the media stream |
core_stats | System parameters (obtained using Java methods) and parameters of the WCS server |
core_threads | Number of active threads of the WCS server process |
core_java_threads | Current number of live threads |
core_java_threads_blocked | Current number of blocked threads |
core_java_committedMemory | Amount of guaranteed available virtual memory, in bytes |
core_java_freePhysicalMemorySize | Amount of free physical memory, in bytes |
core_java_arch | Operating system architecture |
core_java_availableProcessors | Number of processors available for the Java virtual machine |
core_java_freeSwapSpaceSize | Amount of free swap space, in bytes |
core_java_maxFileDescriptorCount | Maximum number of file descriptors |
core_java_open_file_descriptors | Number of file descriptors opened in the Java virtual machine |
core_java_cpu_usage | "Recent CPU usage" for a process in the Java virtual machine |
core_java_totalPhysicalMemorySize | Amount of physical memory, in bytes |
core_java_totalSwapSpaceSize | Amount of swap space, in bytes |
core_java_uptime | Uptime since Java virtual machine started, in milliseconds |
core_heap_memory_used | Heap memory usage |
core_rss_memory | Memory usage |
core_open_file_descriptors | Number of opened file descriptors |
core_cpu_usage | CPU time percentage used by processes |
core_gc | Information about "garbage collecting" |
core_gc_manager | Information about "garbage collecting" in the Manager |
core_heap_memory_used | Heap memory used |
core_java_version | Java version |
core_java_nio_memory_buffer_count | TCP NIO buffers used count |
core_java_nio_memory_used | Memory used by TCP NIO buffers |
core_java_nio_memory_capacity | TCP NIO buffers memory capacity |
call_stats | SIP calls on the WCS server |
sip_calls | Number of SIP calls |
sip_calls_established | Number of active SIP calls |
sip_calls_in | Number of incoming SIP calls |
sip_calls_out | Number of outgoing SIP calls |
sip_calls_per_second (cps) | Number of SIP calls per minute |
sip_stats | SIP clients |
sip_registered | Number of client in the REGISTERED state |
recording_stats | Audio and video file recording |
recording_sessions | Number of active recording sessions |
recording_threads | Recording threads count |
recording_thread_min_writers | Minimal writers count per one thread |
recording_thread_max_writers | Maximal writers count per one thread |
recording_thread_average_writers | Average writers count per one thread |
recording_writers_list | Active writers list |
recording_writers_with_max_queue | Writers with maximum recording data queue size |
recording_writers_with_min_queue | Writers with minimum recording data queue size |
recording_min_writers_queue | Minimal recording data queue size |
recording_average_writers_queue | Average recording data queue size |
recording_max_writers_queue | Maximal recording data queue size |
system_stats | System parameters |
system_java_cpu_usage | "Recent CPU usage" for the entire system (obtained using Java methods) |
system_java_load_average | Average system load for the last minute (obtained using Java methods) |
system_uptime | Uptime since starting of the Linux server |
system_memory_total | Available RAM, in kilobytes |
system_memory_free | Amount of physical RAM not used by the system, in kilobytes |
system_cpu_usage | CPU time percentage used by the processes of the core |
network_stats | Network traffic statistics |
global_bandwidth_in | Incoming connection channel bandwidth |
global_bandwidth_out | Outgoing connection channel bandwidth |
version_stats | WCS version information |
wcs_version | Current version of the WCS server |
wcs_client_version | Current version of the Web SDK |
gc_stats | Last GC cycle information |
gc_last_pause_ms | Last GC pause, in milliseconds |
gc_last_duration_ms | Last GC cycle duration, in millisecinds |
gc_last_heap_before_mb | Last heap used before GC |
gc_last_heap_after_mb | Last heap used after GC |
errors_info | Error information (obtained based on caught Java exceptions) | | Number of IO errors |
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | Number of array out of bounds errors |
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Number of invalid function argument errors |
com.flashphoner.server.license.activation.A.C | Number of errors while activating the license |
java.lang.NullPointerException | Number of null pointer jump errors |
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError | Number of memory allocation errors (server must be restarted) |
degraded_streams_stats | Degraded streams information |
degraded_streams | Degraded streams quantity |
degraded_streams_percent | Degraded streams percentage of total number of streams on server |
transcoding_stats | Streams transcoding information |
transcoding_video_decoding_resolutions | List of resolutions decoded in "resolution/streams count" form |
transcoding_video_decoding_average_time | Average decoding time in "resolution/time, ms" form |
transcoding_video_decoding_max_time | Maximum decoding time in "resolution/time, ms" form |
transcoding_video_decoding_average_queue_size | Average decoding queue size in "resolution/queue size" form |
transcoding_video_decoding_max_queue_size | Maximum decoding queue size in "resolution/queue size" form |
transcoding_video_encoding_resolutions | List of resolutions encoded in "resolution/streams count" form |
transcoding_video_encoding_average_time | Average encoding time in "resolution/time, ms" form |
transcoding_video_encoding_max_time | Maximum encoding time in "resolution/time, ms" form |
transcoding_video_encoding_average_queue_size | Average encoding queue size in "resolution/queue size" form |
transcoding_video_encoding_max_queue_size | Maximum encoding queue size in "resolution/queue size" form |
transcoding_video_decoding_load | Integral decoding load value |
transcoding_video_encoding_load | Integral encoding load value |
buffer_output_stats | Pacer buffer usage information (JSON format only) |
cdn_stats | CDN information |
cdn_version | CDN version supported by server |
cdn_role | Server role in CDN |
cdn_group | CDN group server belongs to |
log_stats | Logging stats |
log_msg_per_sec | Logging messages written per second |
log_mbit_per_sec | Logging volume in megabits per second |
tcp_channel_stats | TCP channel stats |
channels_not_writable | TCP channels not writable events count, per stream |
jitter_buffer_stats | Jitter buffer stats for incoming media streams |
decodable_drops_old | H264 decodable frames dropped count, per stream |
incomplete_drops_old | H264 incomplete frames dropped count, per stream |
decodable_drops_reset | H264 decodable frames dropped before a new decoding point count, per stream |
incomplete_drops_reset | H264 incomplete frames dropped before a new decoding point count, per stream |
decodable_drops_pli | H264 decodable frames dropped on PLI receiving count, per stream |
incomplete_drops_pli | H264 incomplete frames dropped on PLI receiving count, per stream |
data_packets_with_empty_payload | Data packets with empty payload sent to test a channel quality when TWCC is enabled count, per stream |
h264_depacketizer_stats | H264 depacketizer stats |
missed_h264_units | Missed H264 units count, per stream |
rtp_audio_player_stats | RTP audio player stats |
dropped_audio_data_packets | Audio packets dropped before passing them to server engine, per stream |
rels_stats | Metrics data sending to ClickHouse DB stats |
rels_sent_bytes | Data sent amount in bytes |
rels_bitrate_kbps | Data sending bitrate, kbps |
rels_sent_events | Events sent cont |
rels_queue_events | Events queued count |
custom_stats | Parameters collected with custom script |
Every parameter can be requested separately, for example:¶ms=native_resources
Load and resources usage information of the WCS server, combined by groups, can be requested by the group name (connections_stats, streams_stats, port_stats, call_stats, degraded_streams_stats, system_stats, core_stats are available)
You can include several group names in the request,connections_stats
System parameters can be excluded from full report using the following parameter in file:
Statistics output formats
By default, statistics is shown as plain text
Since build 5.2.416, JSON and Prometheus formats are supported. To get JSON statistics, set the format in request URI
curl -s 'http://localhost:8081/?action=stat&format=json'
To get Prometheus statistics, set the format in request URI
curl -s 'http://localhost:8081/?action=stat&format=prometheus'
Stream transcoding statistics
Since build 5.2.443 brief or detailed stream transcoding statistics can be shown. The brief stream transcoding information is grouped by stream resolutions and is available in all the formats, for example:
-----Transcoding info----- transcoding_video_decoding_resolutions=640x360/1 transcoding_video_decoding_average_time=640x360/2.0 transcoding_video_decoding_max_time=640x360/2 transcoding_video_decoding_average_queue_size=640x360/0.0 transcoding_video_decoding_max_queue_size=640x360/0 transcoding_video_encoding_resolutions=426x240/1;640x360/1;852x480/1 transcoding_video_encoding_average_time=426x240/2.0;640x360/2.0;852x480/6.0 transcoding_video_encoding_max_time=426x240/2;640x360/2;852x480/6 transcoding_video_encoding_average_queue_size=426x240/0.0;640x360/0.0;852x480/0.0 transcoding_video_encoding_max_queue_size=426x240/0;640x360/0;852x480/0
Here the following parameters are shown:
- resolution of decoded and encoded streams and their count
- average and maximum time of decoding and encoding per resolution
- average and maximum decoding and encoding queue size per resolution
The detailed stream transcoding information is available in JSON format only
curl -s 'http://localhost:8081/?action=stat&format=json&groups=transcoding_stats' | jq
and is grouped by streams published
"transcoding_video_full_info": { "test1": { "codec": "H264", "queueSize": 0, "distributors": [ { "codec": "H264", "queueSize": 0, "resolution": "426x240", "averageProcessingTime": 3 }, { "codec": "H264", "queueSize": 0, "resolution": "640x360", "averageProcessingTime": 5 }, { "codec": "H264", "queueSize": 0, "resolution": "852x480", "averageProcessingTime": 10 } ], "resolution": "640x360", "averageProcessingTime": 3 } }
- codec - stream codec
- queueSize - stream queue size
- resolution - stream resolution
- averageProcessingTime - average decoding or encoding time
- distributors - streams encoding parameters (for output streams)
Integral transcoding load values
Since build 5.2.570 the integral values of transcoding load were added to transcoding statistics section
-----Transcoding info----- ... transcoding_video_decoding_load=22118400 ... transcoding_video_encoding_load=7983360
The decoding integral load is calculated as follows
transcoding_video_decoding_load = ∑ width * height * fps
- width - incoming stream width
- height - incoming stream height
- fps - incoming stream FPS
The encoding integral load is calculated as follows
transcoding_video_encoding_load = ∑ width * height * fps
- width - encoding stream width according to profile
- height - encoding stream height according to profile
- fps - stream FPS set by transcoding profile, or incoming (source) stream FPS
CDN information
Since build 5.2.471 CDN statistics output was added for server participating in CDN
curl -s 'http://localhost:8081/?action=stat&groups=cdn_stats'
-----CDN info----- cdn_version=2.3 cdn_role=ORIGIN cdn_group=
cdn_version - CDN version supported by server
cdn_role - server role in CDN
cdn_group - CDN group the server belongs to, or empty string if server is not belong to any group
Streams published synchronization
Since build 5.2.508 audio and video synchronization information for streams published is added to stream statistics:
-----Stream Stats----- streams_synchronization=stream1/90,stream2/-11
Synchronization metric value is calculated as difference between current audio and video synchronization values:
var metric = lastAudioSync - lastVideoSync;
Therefore, a positive metric value means audio is currently ahead of video, and negative means audio is currently behind video.
This metric normally changes within small limits. If synchronization metric for the stream remains high with constant sign, it means some problem with stream publishing.
Published streams metrics
Since build 5.2.518, metrics of published streams can be requested in Prometheus format by the following query
curl -s 'http://localhost:8081/?action=stat&format=prometheus&groups=publish_streams'
The query returns a list of metrics per every srteam published on server
publish_streams{param="AUDIO_SYNC",name="test"} 3834464913756 publish_streams{param="AUDIO_CODEC",name="test"} 111 publish_streams{param="AUDIO_RATE",name="test"} 19192 publish_streams{param="AUDIO_LOST",name="test"} 0 publish_streams{param="VIDEO_SYNC",name="test"} 3834464913764 publish_streams{param="VIDEO_K_FRAMES",name="test"} 6 publish_streams{param="VIDEO_NACK",name="test"} 0 publish_streams{param="VIDEO_LOST",name="test"} 0 publish_streams{param="VIDEO_CODEC",name="test"} 119 publish_streams{param="VIDEO_B_FRAMES",name="test"} 0 publish_streams{param="VIDEO_PLI",name="test"} 0 publish_streams{param="VIDEO_RATE",name="test"} 377952 publish_streams{param="VIDEO_WIDTH",name="test"} 640 publish_streams{param="VIDEO_GOP_SIZE",name="test"} 60 publish_streams{param="VIDEO_HEIGHT",name="test"} 360 publish_streams{param="VIDEO_FPS",name="test"} 27 publish_streams{param="VIDEO_P_FRAMES",name="test"} 342
If there are no publications on server, the query returns an empty page.
Pacer buffer usage information
Since build 5.2.543 pacer buffer usage information for transcoder output streams is added. The information is available by the following query in JSON format only
curl -s 'http://localhost:8081/?action=stat&format=json&groups=buffer_stats'
Statistics data are grouped by streams transcoded and subscribers
{ "buffer_stats": { "buffer_output_info": { "test": { "buffer_output_video_average": "0.0", "subscribers": { "25b94cd0-5eaf-11ea-a9b7-abda8d208547": { "overflows": 0, "buffer_output_audio": 4, "buffer_output_video": 0 }, ... }, "buffer_output_audio_average": "4.0" } } } }
- buffer_output_audio_average - audio frames in buffer average count by all subscribers
- buffer_output_video_average - video frames in buffer average count by all subscribers
- buffer_output_audio - audio frames in buffer count for the subscriber
- buffer_output_video - video frames in buffer count for the subscriber
- overflows - buffer overflows count, the buffer is cleared after each overflow
Parameters collected with custom script
Since build 5.2.579 it is possible to collect statistics data unavalable from within JVM using an external custom script.
Script name shold be set by the following parameter
By default, if script name only is specified, the script should be placed to /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/bin folder
The script should return parameters as follows
key1=value1 key2=value2 ...
The script example returning Java version and last line from GC log
#!/bin/bash ver=$(java -version 2>&1 | grep "version" | cut -d" " -f 3 | sed 's/\"//g') echo "java_ver=$ver" gc_log=$( ls -t /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/logs/gc-core* | head -1) echo "gc=$(tail -n1 $gc_log)" exit 0
This script will add to the statistics page the following data
-----Custom info----- java_ver=1.8.0_222 gc=2020-04-23T15:20:56.138+0700: 1546.835: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2020-04-23T15:20:56.138+0700: 1546.835: [ParNew: 8978K->325K(9216K), 0.0103299 secs] 26379K->18056K(36172K), 0.0104582 secs] [Times: user
Parameters returned by the script are available in all statistics formats. In Prometheus format, key and value will be converted to label:
custom_stats{java_ver="1.8.0_222"} 1 custom_stats{gc="2020-04-23T15:11:11.235+0700: 961.933: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2020-04-23T15:11:11.235+0700: 961.933: [ParNew: 9216K->793K(9216K), 0.0042971 secs] 26617K->18195K(36172K), 0.0044029 secs] [Times: user"} 1
Known limits
1. It is not allowed to use pauses, long or high load operations in the script because this adds more latency to statistics output.
2. It is not allowed to use any quotes in keys and values to conform to Prometheus format. For example, the following value may not be used
java_ver=openjdk version "1.8.0_222"
and following may
Java VM errors information receiving
Since build 5.2.769 it is possible to get information about certain Java VM errors (exceptions) count with the following query
http://localhost:8081/?action=stat¶ms=wcs_errors,<exception class name>
For example, the following query should be peridocally made to control phisical memory lack
If response contains the exception, and the count is equal or more than 1
-----Errors info----- java.lang.OutOfMemoryError=4
all the clients should be immediately disconnected and te server must be restarted.
Garbage collector (GC) statistics
Since build 5.2.897 it is possible to get garbage collector statistics
The statistics data include the following last GC cycle parameters at the request moment:
-----Gc info----- gc_last_pause_ms=62 gc_last_duration_ms=62 gc_last_heap_before_mb=315 gc_last_heap_after_mb=78
- gc_last_pause_ms - GC pause in milliseconds
- gc_last_duration_ms - GC cycle duration in milliseconds
- gc_last_heap_before_mb - heap size before GC in Mb
- gc_last_heap_after_mb - heap size after GC in Mb
The data are collected from corresponding Java MX Beans.
ZGC statistics collection
For ZGC, GC statistics data are collected from GC logs because Java MX Beans may return incorrect information. Therefore the following parameter should be set if ZGC is used
It is also may be necessary to set timestamps format in logs. By default, the full format with date is used
If only seconds from JVM start is used, the format should be set as
If necessary, a template to find ZGC logs may be defined. By default, a file name supposed to include date and time
Video recording statistics
Since build 5.2.992 it is possible to get video recording statistics, for example
-----Recording Stats----- recording_sessions=10 recording_threads=8 recording_thread_min_writers=1 recording_thread_max_writers=2 recording_thread_average_writers=1 recording_writers_list=95c8f5d3/1;3881dab6/1;545e59b8/1;54e7a01c/1;06de077d/1;b71fa871/1;193aa3bb/1;91219b12/1;c314201c/1;6f5241be/1 recording_writers_with_max_queue=95c8f5d3/3;545e59b8/3;06de077d/4;b71fa871/5;193aa3bb/5;91219b12/1;c314201c/7;6f5241be/3 recording_writers_with_min_queue=95c8f5d3/3;545e59b8/3;06de077d/4;b71fa871/5;193aa3bb/5;91219b12/1;c314201c/7;6f5241be/3 recording_min_writers_queue=1 recording_average_writers_queue=4 recording_max_writers_queue=7
The following are displayed:
- CPU threads count used to write data to disk
- active writers count
- writers count per CPU thread
- recording data queue sizes
For exampl, if recording data queue sizes monotonically grow, and CPU load is relartively low (below 25%), this means the data cannot be flushed to disk. If CPU load is high, and queues grow, this means CPU cpabilities are not enough to transcode audio or video for recording.
The detailed recording statisctics can be received in JSON format
{ "recording_stats": { "recording_sessions": "10", "recording_threads": "8", "recording_thread_min_writers": "1", "recording_thread_max_writers": "2", "recording_thread_average_writers": "1", "recording_writers_list": [ "95c8f5d3", "3881dab6", "545e59b8", "54e7a01c", "06de077d", "b71fa871", "193aa3bb", "91219b12", "c314201c", "6f5241be" ], ... "recording_full_info": [ { "threadId": 109, "writersCount": 2, "usageCounter": 2, "writersInfo": [ { "queueSize": 0, "streams": [ "95c8f5d3" ] }, { "queueSize": 0, "streams": [ "3881dab6" ] } ] }, ... ] } }
- queueSize - current recording data queue size
- streams - recording streams list
- threadId - CPU thread Id which is writing data to disk
- writersCount - writers count per CPU thread
- usageCount - CPU thread usages count
Logging statistics
Since build 5.2.1210 it is possible to get logging statistics, that may be useful on the server under high load
curl -s 'http://localhost:8081/?action=stat&groups=log_stats'
Logging statistics collection may increase CPU load if there are many media streams on the server. Therefore since build 5.2.1252 logging statistics collection is disabled by default, and may be enabled with the following parameter
The following parameters are measured
-----Logger info----- log_msg_per_sec=0.30 log_mbit_per_sec=0.00
- log_msg_per_sec - logging messages count (all logs) per second
- log_mbit_per_sec - logging volume (all logs) in megabits per second
For example, statistics is buffered on 10 seconds interval. If there is no any message logged during this interval, the statistic values are cleaned. The interval can be set by the following parameter
The interval cannot be set less than 1 second, the default value will be used in such case.
Incoming stream statistics
Since build 5.2.1257 a certain incoming stream statistics can be collected
curl -s "http://localhost:8081/?action=stat&format=json&groups=transcoding_stats" | jq '.[].transcoding_video_full_info'
The statistics is available in JSON format only and includes the following parameters
{ "test": { "codec": "H264", "queueSize": 0, "distributors": { ... }, "minDeltaArrivalTime": 1, "maxDeltaArrivalTime": 62, ..., "streamDelay": 38 } }
- stream name
- codec - publishing codec
- queueSize - decoding queue size
- distributors - subscribers statistics
- minDeltaArrivalTime - a minimal time between two subsequent packets receiving, ms
- maxDeltaArrivalTime - a maximal time between two subsequent packets receiving, ms
- streamDelay - stream delay, ms
Packets receiving time statistics is collected on time interval set by the following parameter in milliseconds
TCP channel statistics
Since build 5.2.1883 a TCP channel level statistics may be collected
curl -s "http://localhost:8081/?action=stat&groups=tcp_channel_stats"
The statistics contains the following parameters
-----Tcp channel info----- channels_not_writable=
- channels_not_writable - TCP channels not writable events count, per mediasession
The statistics is displayed for currently published streams only.
Jitter buffer stats for incoming media streams
Since build 5.2.1883 a jitter buffer statistics may be collected
curl -s "http://localhost:8081/?action=stat&groups=jitter_buffer_stats"
The statistics contains the following parameters
-----JitterBuffer info----- decodable_drops_old= incomplete_drops_old=f49f8cb0-dc52-11ee-81df-51ad589334c0/7; decodable_drops_reset= incomplete_drops_reset= decodable_drops_pli= incomplete_drops_pli=f49f8cb0-dc52-11ee-81df-51ad589334c0/10; data_packets_with_empty_payload=
- decodable_drops_old - H264 decodable frames dropped count, per mediasession
- incomplete_drops_old - H264 incomplete frames dropped count, per mediasession
- decodable_drops_reset - H264 decodable frames dropped before a new decoding point count, per mediasession
- incomplete_drops_reset - H264 incomplete frames dropped before a new decoding point count, per mediasession
- decodable_drops_pli - H264 decodable frames dropped on PLI receiving count, per mediasession
- incomplete_drops_pli - H264 incomplete frames dropped on PLI receiving count, per mediasession
- data_packets_with_empty_payload - data packets with empty payload sent to test a channel quality when TWCC is enabled count, per mediasession
The statistics is displayed for currently published streams only.
H264 depacketizer statistics
Since build 5.2.1883 an H264 depacketizer statistics may be collected
curl -s "http://localhost:8081/?action=stat&groups=h264_depacketizer_stats"
The statistics contains the following parameters
-----H264 RTPDepacketizer info----- missed_h264_units=f49f8cb0-dc52-11ee-81df-51ad589334c0/443;
- missed_h264_units - missed H264 units count, per mediasession
The statistics is displayed for currently published streams only.
RTP audio player statistics
Since build 5.2.1923 an RTP audio player statistics may be collected
curl -s "http://localhost:8081/?action=stat&groups=rtp_audio_player_stats"
The statistics contains the following parameters
-----RtpAudioPlayer info----- dropped_audio_data_packets=
- dropped_audio_data_packets - audio packets dropped before passing them to server engine, per mediasession
The statistics is displayed for currently published streams only.
Metrics data sending to ClickHouse DB statistics
Since build 5.2.1896 a metrics data sending to ClickHouse DB statistics may be collected
curl -s "http://localhost:8081/?action=stat&groups=rels_stats"
The statistics contains the following parameters
-----RELS info----- rels_sent_bytes=43344 rels_bitrate_kbps=0.000 rels_sent_events=51 rels_queue_events=0
- rels_sent_bytes - data sent amount in bytes
- rels_bitrate_kbps - data sending bitrate, kbps
- rels_sent_events - events sent count
- rels_queue_events - events queued count
The statistics is displayed for current server state only, if metrics data collection to ClickHouse DB is enabled.
TCP ports to connect to a REST hook backend usage statistics
Since build 5.2.1906 the TCP ports to connect to a REST hook backend usage statistics may be collected with other TCP/UDP ports statistics
curl -s "http://localhost:8081/?action=stat&groups=port_stats"
The statistics contains the following parameters
-----Port Stats----- ports_media_free=9411 ports_media_busy=86 ports_media_quarantine=2 ports_wcs_agents_free=995 ports_wcs_agents_busy=3 ports_wcs_agents_quarantine=0 ports_rest_api_leased=0 ports_rest_api_available=2 ports_rest_api_pending=0
- ports_media_free - free media ports count
ports_media_busy - busy media ports count
ports_media_quarantine - quarantine (just freed) media posrt count
ports_wcs_agents_free - free WebRTC ports to connect to other WCS server count (in CDN for example)
ports_wcs_agents_busy - busy WebRTC ports to connect to other WCS server count
ports_wcs_agents_quarantine - quarantine (just freed) WebRTC ports to connect to other WCS server count
ports_rest_api_leased - TCP ports used to connect to REST hook backend count
ports_rest_api_available - TCP ports used to connect to REST hook backend count in CLOSE_WAIT state
ports_rest_api_pending - requests to connect to REST hook backend count if all the outgoing TCP ports are busy
The statistics is displayed for current server state only