Realtime stream information can be obtained using Websocket API.
STOMP client connection over Websocket to backend server
To connect to backend server for obtaining realtime metric values, do the following:
1. Establish Websocket API connection
2. Subscribe to /stream/nodeId/mediaId event by sending the message
SUBSCRIBE id:sub-2 destination:/stream/3/ca77c700-8e86-11e9-8386-dbc3d191a79a ^@
- 3 - node identifier in backend database
- ca77c700-8e86-11e9-8386-dbc3d191a79a - stream media session identifier
After that, client starts receiving STOMP messages in plain text
MESSAGE destination:/stream/3/ca77c700-8e86-11e9-8386-dbc3d191a79a content-type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 subscription:sub-2 message-id:3-50 content-length:1339 [{"VIDEO_SYNC":1560504547907,"VIDEO_CODEC":119,"VIDEO_NACK":0,"VIDEO_PLI":0,"VIDEO_RATE":571616,"VIDEO_WIDTH":320,"VIDEO_HEIGHT":240,"VIDEO_FPS":30,"timestamp":1560504547917},{"AUDIO_SYNC":1560504547890,"AUDIO_CODEC":111,"AUDIO_RATE":26664,"timestamp":1560504547923,"AUDIO_LOST":0},{"AUDIO_SYNC":1560504548010,"AUDIO_CODEC":111,"AUDIO_RATE":27040,"timestamp":1560504548040,"AUDIO_LOST":0},{"VIDEO_SYNC":1560504548099,"VIDEO_CODEC":119,"VIDEO_NACK":0,"VIDEO_PLI":0,"VIDEO_RATE":577416,"VIDEO_WIDTH":320,"VIDEO_HEIGHT":240,"VIDEO_FPS":30,"timestamp":1560504548119},{"AUDIO_SYNC":1560504548130,"AUDIO_CODEC":111,"AUDIO_RATE":26624,"timestamp":1560504548167,"AUDIO_LOST":0},{"AUDIO_SYNC":1560504548250,"AUDIO_CODEC":111,"AUDIO_RATE":27976,"timestamp":1560504548282,"AUDIO_LOST":0},{"VIDEO_SYNC":1560504548307,"VIDEO_CODEC":119,"VIDEO_NACK":0,"VIDEO_PLI":0,"VIDEO_RATE":581968,"VIDEO_WIDTH":320,"VIDEO_HEIGHT":240,"VIDEO_FPS":31,"timestamp":1560504548318},{"AUDIO_SYNC":1560504548370,"AUDIO_CODEC":111,"AUDIO_RATE":28128,"timestamp":1560504548404,"AUDIO_LOST":0},{"VIDEO_SYNC":1560504548499,"VIDEO_CODEC":119,"VIDEO_NACK":0,"VIDEO_PLI":0,"VIDEO_RATE":583032,"VIDEO_WIDTH":320,"VIDEO_HEIGHT":240,"VIDEO_FPS":31,"timestamp":1560504548506},{"AUDIO_SYNC":1560504548490,"AUDIO_CODEC":111,"AUDIO_RATE":29568,"timestamp":1560504548522,"AUDIO_LOST":0}]
or in JSON using STOMP.js library
{ "command": "MESSAGE", "headers": { "content-length": "1339", "message-id": "3-50", "subscription": "sub-2", "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "destination": "/stream/3/ca77c700-8e86-11e9-8386-dbc3d191a79a" }, "body": [ { "VIDEO_SYNC": 1560504547907, "VIDEO_CODEC": 119, "VIDEO_NACK": 0, "VIDEO_PLI": 0, "VIDEO_RATE": 571616, "VIDEO_WIDTH": 320, "VIDEO_HEIGHT": 240, "VIDEO_FPS": 30, "timestamp": 1560504547917 }, { "AUDIO_SYNC": 1560504547890, "AUDIO_CODEC": 111, "AUDIO_RATE": 26664, "timestamp": 1560504547923, "AUDIO_LOST": 0 }, { "AUDIO_SYNC": 1560504548010, "AUDIO_CODEC": 111, "AUDIO_RATE": 27040, "timestamp": 1560504548040, "AUDIO_LOST": 0 }, { "VIDEO_SYNC": 1560504548099, "VIDEO_CODEC": 119, "VIDEO_NACK": 0, "VIDEO_PLI": 0, "VIDEO_RATE": 577416, "VIDEO_WIDTH": 320, "VIDEO_HEIGHT": 240, "VIDEO_FPS": 30, "timestamp": 1560504548119 }, { "AUDIO_SYNC": 1560504548130, "AUDIO_CODEC": 111, "AUDIO_RATE": 26624, "timestamp": 1560504548167, "AUDIO_LOST": 0 }, { "AUDIO_SYNC": 1560504548250, "AUDIO_CODEC": 111, "AUDIO_RATE": 27976, "timestamp": 1560504548282, "AUDIO_LOST": 0 }, { "VIDEO_SYNC": 1560504548307, "VIDEO_CODEC": 119, "VIDEO_NACK": 0, "VIDEO_PLI": 0, "VIDEO_RATE": 581968, "VIDEO_WIDTH": 320, "VIDEO_HEIGHT": 240, "VIDEO_FPS": 31, "timestamp": 1560504548318 }, { "AUDIO_SYNC": 1560504548370, "AUDIO_CODEC": 111, "AUDIO_RATE": 28128, "timestamp": 1560504548404, "AUDIO_LOST": 0 }, { "VIDEO_SYNC": 1560504548499, "VIDEO_CODEC": 119, "VIDEO_NACK": 0, "VIDEO_PLI": 0, "VIDEO_RATE": 583032, "VIDEO_WIDTH": 320, "VIDEO_HEIGHT": 240, "VIDEO_FPS": 31, "timestamp": 1560504548506 }, { "AUDIO_SYNC": 1560504548490, "AUDIO_CODEC": 111, "AUDIO_RATE": 29568, "timestamp": 1560504548522, "AUDIO_LOST": 0 } ] }
The messages contain metric values acquired from the node where the stream is published or played.
To stop receiving metrics in realtime, the following message should be sent to unsubscribe
UNSUBSCRIBE id:sub-2 ^@
Connection setup
Maximum metrics count in one STOMP message is set with the following parameter in
Connection timeout is set with the following parameter
Metric aquisition rate and messages receiving frequency
A different metrics sets can be aquired to backend server with a different rate defined by profile. If metric value, VIDEO_HEIGHT for example, does not change while stream is published, then messages with this metric will be send to subscriber at least as rate defines. If metric value (VIDEO_RATE) changes, messages with this metric can be send to subscriber upon changes.
For example, if stream data are collected by profile including one static metric VIDEO_WIDTH with rate 30
https://hostname:8090/api/profile/create { "name": "profile1", "rate": "30", "metrics": ["2"], "rules": ["1"] }
and maximum metrics count 1 per one message
the messages will be send to subscriber near 1 per second.
When changing rate to 600
https://hostname:8090/api/profile/update { "id": "2", "name": "profile1", "rate": "600", "metrics": ["2"], "rules": ["1"] }
the messages will be send to subscriber near 1 per 20 seconds.
Now, extending metrics set to 4 static metrics VIDEO_WIDTH, VIDEO_HEIGHT, VIDEO_CODEC, AUDIO_CODEC
https://hostname:8090/api/profile/update { "id": "2", "name": "profile1", "rate": "600", "metrics": ["2","3","9","13"], "rules": ["1"] }
the messages will be send to subscriber near 1 per 5 seconds.
When stream data are collected by profile including two metrics VIDEO_RATE, AUDIO_RATE with rate 30
https://hostname:8090/api/profile/create { "name": "profile2", "rate": "30", "metrics": ["4","11"], "rules": ["1"] }
and maximum metrics count 1 per one message
for the stream published to WCS using RTMP, the messages will be send to subscriber near 1-2 per second.