Rules can be managed using Websocket API or REST API.
Rule creation
A new rule can be created with /api/rule/create request
API | Request | Response | Response status |
WS API | SEND destination:/app/api/rule/create content-length:150 { "requestId":"41bf9d28-5dbe-45cc-9add-ff443997e1d5", "realm":"/api/rule/create", "payload": { "type":"0", "name":"rule1", "value":"test*", "profiles":["1"] } } | MESSAGE destination:/user/service content-type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 subscription:sub-1 message-id:3-17 content-length:84 { "requestId":"41bf9d28-5dbe-45cc-9add-ff443997e1d5", "status":200, "reason":"SUCCESS" } | 200 OK 400 Object not found 500 Persist exception |
REST API | POST: /api/rule/create "application/json; charset=utf-8" { "type":"0", "name":"rule2", "value":"test*", "profiles":["1"] } | { "status":200, "reason":"SUCCESS" } | 200 OK 400 Object not found 500 Persist exception |
- type – rule type:
- 0 – stream name template
- 1 - media session id template
- name – rule name
- value – rule value (template)
- profiles – list of identifiers of profiles, to which the rule should be applied
Rule changing
A rule can be changed with /api/rule/update request
API | Request | Response | Response status |
WS API | SEND destination:/app/api/rule/update content-length:163 { "requestId":"cc2605d6-ef85-4a7e-9a8f-04733c413b3d", "realm":"/api/rule/update", "payload": { "id":"2", "type":"0", "name":"rule1", "value":"test*", "profiles":["1","2"] } } | MESSAGE destination:/user/service content-type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 subscription:sub-1 message-id:3-20 content-length:84 { "requestId":"cc2605d6-ef85-4a7e-9a8f-04733c413b3d", "status":200, "reason":"SUCCESS" } | 200 OK 400 Object not found 500 Persist exception |
REST API | POST: /api/rule/update "application/json; charset=utf-8" { "id":"3", "type":"0", "name":"rule2", "value":"test*", "profiles":["1","2"] } | { "status":200, "reason":"SUCCESS" } | 200 OK 400 Object not found 500 Persist exception |
- id – rule identifier
- type – rule type (0 or 1)
- name – rule name
- value – rule value (template)
- profiles – list of identifiers of profiles, to which the rule should be applied
Rule deletion
A rule can be deleted with /api/rule/delete request
API | Request | Response | Response status |
WS API | SEND destination:/app/api/rule/delete content-length:100 { "requestId":"a1887fc3-c674-4951-b5b8-ff1d69fed097", "realm":"/api/rule/delete", "payload": { "id":"2" } } | MESSAGE destination:/user/service content-type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 subscription:sub-1 message-id:3-21 content-length:84 { "requestId":"a1887fc3-c674-4951-b5b8-ff1d69fed097", "status":200, "reason":"SUCCESS" } | 200 OK 400 Object not found 500 Persist exception |
REST API | POST: /api/rule/delete "application/json; charset=utf-8" { "id":"3" } | { "status":200, "reason":"SUCCESS" } | 200 OK 400 Object not found 500 Persist exception |
- id – rule identifier
Obtaining rule information
A rule information can be obtained with /api/rule/list request
API | Request | Response | Response status |
WS API | SEND destination:/app/api/rule/list content-length:111 { "requestId":"e9a2ce8c-ad2a-49c0-9c38-6ba8e4817fdd", "realm":"/api/rule/list", "payload": { "id":"1", "profile":"" } } | MESSAGE destination:/user/service content-type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 subscription:sub-1 message-id:3-22 content-length:161 { "requestId":"e9a2ce8c-ad2a-49c0-9c38-6ba8e4817fdd", "status":200, "reason":"SUCCESS", "payload": [ { "id":1, "profiles":[1,2], "type":0, "name":"default", "value":".*" } ] } | 200 OK 400 Object not found 500 Persist exception |
REST API | POST: /api/rule/list "application/json; charset=utf-8" { "id":"1", "profile":"" } | { "status": 200, "reason": "SUCCESS", "payload": [ { "id": 1, "profiles": [ 1, 2 ], "type": 0, "name": "default", "value": ".*" } ] } | 200 OK 400 Object not found 500 Persist exception |
- id – rule identifier
- profile - profile identifier
If rule Id is set, the response will contain only that rule information. If profile Id is set, the response will contain information only about the rules applied to that profile metrics. If none of Ids is set, the response will contain list with all the rules on backend server.
For every rule, the response contains the same fields as /api/rule/update request.