connections_stats | Connections to the WCS server |
connections | Overall number of connections |
connections_rtmfp | Number of RTMFP connections (Flash) |
connections_websocket | Number of WebSocket connections |
port_stats | Ports listened by the WCS server |
ports_media_free | Free media ports |
ports_media_busy | Busy media ports |
ports_media_quarantine | Media ports in quarantine |
ports_wcs_agents_free | Free CDN used ports |
ports_wcs_agents_busy | Busy CDN used ports |
ports_wcs_agents_quarantine | CDN used ports in quarantine |
streams_stats | Audio and video stream sessions on the WCS server |
streams_rtsp_in | Number of active RTSP sessions sending traffic |
streams_rtsp_out | Number of active RTSP sessions receiving traffic |
streams_websocket_out | Number of active streams played by WebSocket |
streams_rtmp_out | Number of active RTMP streams |
streams_webrtc_in | Number of active streams published via WebRTC |
streams_webrtc_out | Number of active streams played via WebRTC |
streams_rtmfp_in | Number of active streams published via RTMFP |
streams_rtmfp_out | Number of active streams played via RTMFP |
streams_viewers | Number of active clients playing published streams |
streams_synchronization | Streams published synchronization |
native_resources | Information about resource usage |
native_resources | Information about encoding/decoding of the media stream |
core_stats | System parameters (obtained using Java methods) and parameters of the WCS server |
core_threads | Number of active threads of the WCS server process |
core_java_threads | Current number of live threads |
core_java_threads_blocked | Current number of blocked threads |
core_java_committedMemory | Amount of guaranteed available virtual memory, in bytes |
core_java_freePhysicalMemorySize | Amount of free physical memory, in bytes |
core_java_arch | Operating system architecture |
core_java_availableProcessors | Number of processors available for the Java virtual machine |
core_java_freeSwapSpaceSize | Amount of free swap space, in bytes |
core_java_maxFileDescriptorCount | Maximum number of file descriptors |
core_java_open_file_descriptors | Number of file descriptors opened in the Java virtual machine |
core_java_cpu_usage | "Recent CPU usage" for a process in the Java virtual machine |
core_java_totalPhysicalMemorySize | Amount of physical memory, in bytes |
core_java_totalSwapSpaceSize | Amount of swap space, in bytes |
core_java_uptime | Uptime since Java virtual machine started, in milliseconds |
core_heap_memory_used | Heap memory usage |
core_rss_memory | Memory usage |
core_open_file_descriptors | Number of opened file descriptors |
core_cpu_usage | CPU time percentage used by processes |
core_gc | Information about "garbage collecting" |
core_gc_manager | Information about "garbage collecting" in the Manager |
core_heap_memory_used | Heap memory used |
core_java_version | Java version |
core_java_nio_memory_buffer_count | TCP NIO buffers used count |
core_java_nio_memory_used | Memory used by TCP NIO buffers |
core_java_nio_memory_capacity | TCP NIO buffers memory capacity |
call_stats | SIP calls on the WCS server |
sip_calls | Number of SIP calls |
sip_calls_established | Number of active SIP calls |
sip_calls_in | Number of incoming SIP calls |
sip_calls_out | Number of outgoing SIP calls |
sip_calls_per_second (cps) | Number of SIP calls per minute |
sip_stats | SIP clients |
sip_registered | Number of client in the REGISTERED state |
recording_stats | Audio and video file recording |
recording_sessions | Number of active recording sessions |
recording_threads | Recording threads count |
recording_thread_min_writers | Minimal writers count per one thread |
recording_thread_max_writers | Maximal writers count per one thread |
recording_thread_average_writers | Average writers count per one thread |
recording_writers_list | Active writers list |
recording_writers_with_max_queue | Writers with maximum recording data queue size |
recording_writers_with_min_queue | Writers with minimum recording data queue size |
recording_min_writers_queue | Minimal recording data queue size |
recording_average_writers_queue | Average recording data queue size |
recording_max_writers_queue | Maximal recording data queue size |
system_stats | System parameters |
system_java_cpu_usage | "Recent CPU usage" for the entire system (obtained using Java methods) |
system_java_load_average | Average system load for the last minute (obtained using Java methods) |
system_uptime | Uptime since starting of the Linux server |
system_memory_total | Available RAM, in kilobytes |
system_memory_free | Amount of physical RAM not used by the system, in kilobytes |
system_cpu_usage | CPU time percentage used by the processes of the core |
network_stats | Network traffic statistics |
global_bandwidth_in | Incoming connection channel bandwidth |
global_bandwidth_out | Outgoing connection channel bandwidth |
version_stats | WCS version information |
wcs_version | Current version of the WCS server |
wcs_client_version | Current version of the Web SDK |
gc_stats | Last GC cycle information |
gc_last_pause_ms | Last GC pause, in milliseconds |
gc_last_duration_ms | Last GC cycle duration, in millisecinds |
gc_last_heap_before_mb | Last heap used before GC |
gc_last_heap_after_mb | Last heap used after GC |
errors_info | Error information (obtained based on caught Java exceptions) |
java.io.IOException | Number of IO errors |
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | Number of array out of bounds errors |
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Number of invalid function argument errors |
com.flashphoner.server.license.activation.A.C | Number of errors while activating the license |
java.lang.NullPointerException | Number of null pointer jump errors |
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError | Number of memory allocation errors (server must be restarted) |
degraded_streams_stats | Degraded streams information |
degraded_streams | Degraded streams quantity |
degraded_streams_percent | Degraded streams percentage of total number of streams on server |
transcoding_stats | Streams transcoding information |
transcoding_video_decoding_resolutions | List of resolutions decoded in "resolution/streams count" form |
transcoding_video_decoding_average_time | Average decoding time in "resolution/time, ms" form |
transcoding_video_decoding_max_time | Maximum decoding time in "resolution/time, ms" form |
transcoding_video_decoding_average_queue_size | Average decoding queue size in "resolution/queue size" form |
transcoding_video_decoding_max_queue_size | Maximum decoding queue size in "resolution/queue size" form |
transcoding_video_encoding_resolutions | List of resolutions encoded in "resolution/streams count" form |
transcoding_video_encoding_average_time | Average encoding time in "resolution/time, ms" form |
transcoding_video_encoding_max_time | Maximum encoding time in "resolution/time, ms" form |
transcoding_video_encoding_average_queue_size | Average encoding queue size in "resolution/queue size" form |
transcoding_video_encoding_max_queue_size | Maximum encoding queue size in "resolution/queue size" form |
transcoding_video_decoding_load | Integral decoding load value |
transcoding_video_encoding_load | Integral encoding load value |
buffer_output_stats | Pacer buffer usage information (JSON format only) |
cdn_stats | CDN information |
cdn_version | CDN version supported by server |
cdn_role | Server role in CDN |
cdn_group | CDN group server belongs to |
log_stats | Статистика записи в лог |
log_msg_per_sec | Logging messages written per second |
log_mbit_per_sec | Logging volume in megabits per second |
custom_stats | Parameters collected with custom script |
- queueSize - current recording data queue size
- streams - recording streams list
- threadId - CPU thread Id which is writing data to disk
- writersCount - writers count per CPU thread
- usageCount - CPU thread usages count
Logging statistics
Since build 5.2.1210 it is possible to get logging statistics, that may be useful on the server under high load
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
curl -s 'http://localhost:8081/?action=stat&groups=log_stats' |
The following parameters are included
Code Block | ||
| ||
-----Logger info-----
log_mbit_per_sec=0.00 |
- log_msg_per_sec - logging messages count (all logs) per second
- log_mbit_per_sec - logging volume (all logs) in megabits per second
For example, statistics is buffered on 10 seconds interval. If there is no any message logged during this interval, the statistic values are cleaned. The interval can be set by the following parameter
Code Block | ||
| ||
log_metrics_time_buffer=10000 |
The interval cannot be set less than 1 second, the default value will be used in such case.