Code Block |
curl -s 'http://localhost:8081/?action=stat&groups=log_stats' |
Logging statistics collection may increase CPU load if there are many media streams on the server. Therefore since build 5.2.1252 logging statistics collection is disabled by default, and may be enabled with the following parameter
Code Block |
log_metrics_stats=true |
The following parameters are includedmeasured
Code Block |
-----Logger info-----
log_mbit_per_sec=0.00 |
The interval cannot be set less than 1 second, the default value will be used in such case.
Incoming stream statistics
Since build 5.2.1257 a certain incoming stream statistics can be collected
Code Block |
curl -s "http://localhost:8081/?action=stat&format=json&groups=transcoding_stats" | jq '.[].transcoding_video_full_info' |
The statistics is available in JSON format only and includes the following parameters
Code Block |
"test": {
"codec": "H264",
"queueSize": 0,
"distributors": {
"minDeltaArrivalTime": 1,
"maxDeltaArrivalTime": 62,
"streamDelay": 38
} |
- stream name
- codec - publishing codec
- queueSize - decoding queue size
- distributors - subscribers statistics
- minDeltaArrivalTime - a minimal time between two subsequent packets receiving, ms
- maxDeltaArrivalTime - a maximal time between two subsequent packets receiving, ms
- streamDelay - stream delay, ms
Packets receiving time statistics is collected on time interval set by the following parameter in milliseconds
Code Block |
media_processor_incoming_stat_window=30000 |