REST-method | Example of REST query | Example of response | Response statuses | Description | |||||||
/mixer/startup |
| 200 - OK 400 - Bad request 409 - Conflict 500 - Internal error | Creates a mixer the provided stream is published for | ||||||||
/mixer/add |
| 200 - OK 404 - Mixer not found 404 - Stream not found 500 - Internal error | Add the RTMP stream to the mixer | ||||||||
/mixer/remove |
| 200 - OK 404 - Mixer not found 404 - Stream not found 500 - Internal error | Remove the RTMP stream from the mixer | ||||||||
/mixer/find_all |
| 200 - OK 404 - Not found 500 - Internal error | Find all mixers | ||||||||
/mixer/terminate |
| 200 - OK 404 - Not found 500 - Internal error | Terminate operation of the mixer | ||||||||
/stream/startRecording |
| 200 - OK 404 - Not found 500 - Internal error | Start recording of the stream in the given media session | ||||||||
/stream/stopRecording |
| 200 - OK 404 - Not found 500 - Internal error | Stop recording the stream in the given media session | ||||||||
/mixer/setAudioVideo |
| 200 - OK 400 - Bad request 404 - Not found 500 - Internal error | Mute/unmute video or change audio level for mexer incoming stream | ||||||||
/mixer/set_body_watermark |
| 200 - OK 400 - Bad request 404 - Not found | Add watermark to mixer output stream picture | ||||||||
/mixer/set_stream_watermark |
| 200 - OK 400 - Bad request 404 - Not found | Add watermark to one of the mixer input streams pictures in the mixer output stream | ||||||||
/mixer/set_stream_label |
| 200 - OK 404 - Not found | Set or change mixer participant stream label to display | ||||||||
/mixer/set_parameter |
| 200 - OK 400 - Bad request 404 - Not found | Change the mixer parameter | ||||||||
/mixer/set_stream_avatar |
| 200 - OK 400 - Bad request 404 - Not found 500 - Internal server error | Set avatar picture to audio stream in mixer | ||||||||
/mixer/remove_stream_avatar |
| 200 - OK 404 - Not found 500 - Internal server error | Remove avatar picture from audio stream in mixer | ||||||||
/mixer/set_position |
| 200 - OK 404 - Not found 500 - Internal server error | Move the stream picture to the position (for custom XML layouts only) |
Parameter name | Description | Example |
uri | Unique identifier of the mixer | mixer://mixer1 |
localStreamName | Name of the output stream of the mixer | stream3 |
hasVideo | Mix video | true |
hasAudio | Mix audio | true |
remoteStreamName | Name of the stream added to the mixer | stream1 rtmp://rtmp.flashphoner.com:1935/live/rtmp_stream1 |
mediaSessionId | Media session identifier | ce92b134-2468-4460-8d06-1ea3c5aabace |
status | Stream status | PROCESSED_LOCAL |
background | Mixer background | background.png |
watermark | Mixer watermark | watermark.png |
mixerLayoutClass | Mixer layout | com.flashphoner.mixerlayout.TestLayout |
streams | Streams list or regular expression for search | ^stream.* ["stream1", "stream2"] |
audioLevel | Incoming stream audio level | 0 |
videoMuted | Mute video | true |
streamLabel | Mixer participant stream label to display | John Doe |
avatar | Picture URI in PNG, JPG, BMP formats | https://mystorage.com/storage/avatar.jpg |
videoPositionId | Position identifier in custom XML layout to place a stream picture | speaker |
Mixer configuration while creating the instance using REST API