Example with two players on the same page

This example demonstrates how two or more players can be displayed on one web page. Each of the players can be used to play a different stream.

Code of the example

The path to the source code of the example on WCS server is:


2players.css - file with styles
2players.html - page with web interface
2players.js - script providing functionality for the example

This example can be tested using the following address:


Here host is the address of the WCS server.

Work with code of the player

To analyze the code, let's take the version of file 2players.js with hash cf0daabc6b86e21d5a2f9e4605366c8b7f0d27eb, which is available here and can be downloaded with corresponding build

Functions of initialization, creating stream, starting and stopping playback work the same as described in the example Player.

1. Two <div> elements creation


<div id="player1" class="display"></div>


<div id="player2" class="display"></div>

2. The element is passed as parameter 'display' when the stream for playback is created

document.getElementById(), session.createStream() code

    var display = document.getElementById("player" + index);
        name: streamName,
        display: display
    }).on(STREAM_STATUS.PLAYING, function(stream) {

So, for each stream <div> element 'display' can be passed, and any number of video streams can be played on one HTML page.