To work with WCS Web SDK, web server which can deliver static HTML content will need, Apache for example.
You may skip actions listed below if you are familiar with Apache installation or if you have another web server which can deliver static HTML content.
Install Apache with commands (on CentOS 7 example):
yum -y install httpd yum -y install mod_ssl setenforce 0
Fist line installs Apache, second line installs SSL support for Apache and third turns off SELinux. This is required to avoid possible Apache problems with content display and to quickly test application. Also, make shure standard HTTP and HTTPS ports (80 and 443) are opened and are receiving traffic, if the server is behind NAT.
netstat -nlp | grep 80 telnet hostname 80 netstat -nlp | grep 443 telnet hostname 443
Start Apache with command
service httpd start
If Apache was installed correctly, you can see your HTML files in a browser. Just put test.html file with any content to /var/www/html directory, then this file must be correctly opened in your browser.