Example of video capturing using GPUImage library
The application shows how to capture video from custom source. The source is GPUImage library with beautifying filter applied. This example works with SDK build 2.6.1 and newer.
On screenshot below, video is publishing with beautifying filter applied and playing
- 'WCS URL', where demo.flashphoner.com is WCS server address
- 'Publish Stream' to input stream name to publish
- 'Play Stream' to input stream name to play
Beautify Enable/Disable button enables and disables beautifying filter (the filter is enabled on screenshot)
Working with example code
To describe the code let's take GPUImageDemo application source code which is available here.
Main application view calss: ViewController (header file ViewController.h; implementation file ViewController.m).
1. API import
#import <FPWCSApi2/FPWCSApi2.h>
2. The session creation and connecting to server.
FPWCSApi2 createSession, FPWCSApi2Session connect
The following parameters are passed:
- URL of WCS server
- the server application key defaultApp
- (FPWCSApi2Session *)connect { FPWCSApi2SessionOptions *options = [[FPWCSApi2SessionOptions alloc] init]; options.urlServer = _connectUrl.text; options.appKey = @"defaultApp"; NSError *error; FPWCSApi2Session *session = [FPWCSApi2 createSession:options error:&error]; ... [session connect]; return session; }
3. Preparing custom source to capture
The source is initialized once on first publishStream invokation
- (FPWCSApi2Stream *)publishStream { FPWCSApi2Session *session = [FPWCSApi2 getSessions][0]; FPWCSApi2StreamOptions *options = [[FPWCSApi2StreamOptions alloc] init]; options.name = _localStreamName.text; if (!self.videoCamera) { self.videoCamera = [[GPUImageVideoCamera alloc] initWithSessionPreset:AVCaptureSessionPreset640x480 cameraPosition:AVCaptureDevicePositionFront]; self.videoCamera.outputImageOrientation = UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait; self.videoCamera.horizontallyMirrorFrontFacingCamera = YES; self.rawDataOutput = [[GPUImageRawDataOutput alloc] initWithImageSize:CGSizeMake(480, 640) resultsInBGRAFormat:YES]; self.videoCapturer = [[GPUImageVideoCapturer alloc] init]; [self.rawDataOutput setNewFrameAvailableBlock:^{ [_videoCapturer processNewFrame:_rawDataOutput]; }]; [self.videoCamera addTarget:_rawDataOutput]; [self.videoCamera addTarget:_localDisplay]; } ... }
4. Stream publishing
FPWCSApi2Session createStream, FPWCSApi2Stream publish
The following parameters are passed to createStream method:
- stream name to publish
- local view to display
- video capture source
If publish is called successfully, video capture is started using startCameraCapture method
- (FPWCSApi2Stream *)publishStream { ... options.display = _localNativeDisplay; options.constraints = [[FPWCSApi2MediaConstraints alloc] initWithAudio:YES videoCapturer:self.videoCapturer]; NSError *error; FPWCSApi2Stream *stream = [session createStream:options error:&error]; ... if(![stream publish:&error]) { UIAlertController * alert = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:@"Failed to publish" message:error.localizedDescription preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleAlert]; UIAlertAction* okButton = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:@"Ok" style:UIAlertActionStyleDefault handler:^(UIAlertAction * action) { [self onUnpublished]; }]; [alert addAction:okButton]; [self presentViewController:alert animated:YES completion:nil]; } [self.videoCamera startCameraCapture]; return stream; }
5. Enabling and disabling beautifying filter
- (void)beautify:(UIButton *)button { if (self.beautifyEnabled) { self.beautifyEnabled = NO; [_beautyButton setTitle:@"Beautify Enable" forState:UIControlStateNormal]; [self.videoCamera removeAllTargets]; [self.videoCamera addTarget:_rawDataOutput]; [self.videoCamera addTarget:_localDisplay]; } else { self.beautifyEnabled = YES; [_beautyButton setTitle:@"Beautify Disable" forState:UIControlStateNormal]; [self.videoCamera removeAllTargets]; GPUImageBeautifyFilter *beautifyFilter = [[GPUImageBeautifyFilter alloc] init]; [self.videoCamera addTarget:beautifyFilter]; [beautifyFilter addTarget:_localDisplay]; [beautifyFilter addTarget:_rawDataOutput]; } }
6. Stream playback
FPWCSApi2Session createStream, FPWCSApi2Stream play
The following parameters are passed to createStream method:
- stream name to play
- view to display remote stream
- (FPWCSApi2Stream *)playStream { FPWCSApi2Session *session = [FPWCSApi2 getSessions][0]; FPWCSApi2StreamOptions *options = [[FPWCSApi2StreamOptions alloc] init]; options.name = _remoteStreamName.text; options.display = _remoteDisplay; NSError *error; FPWCSApi2Stream *stream = [session createStream:options error:nil]; ... if(![stream play:&error]) { UIAlertController * alert = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:@"Failed to play" message:error.localizedDescription preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleAlert]; UIAlertAction* okButton = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:@"Ok" style:UIAlertActionStyleDefault handler:^(UIAlertAction * action) { }]; [alert addAction:okButton]; [self presentViewController:alert animated:YES completion:nil]; } return stream; }
7. Playback stopping
FPWCSApi2Stream stop
- (void)playButton:(UIButton *)button { [self changeViewState:button enabled:NO]; if ([button.titleLabel.text isEqualToString:@"STOP"]) { if ([FPWCSApi2 getSessions].count) { FPWCSApi2Stream *stream; for (FPWCSApi2Stream *s in [[FPWCSApi2 getSessions][0] getStreams]) { if ([[s getName] isEqualToString:_remoteStreamName.text]) { stream = s; break; } } if (!stream) { NSLog(@"Stop playing, nothing to stop"); [self onStopped]; return; } NSError *error; [stream stop:&error]; } else { NSLog(@"Stop playing, no session"); [self onStopped]; } ... } }
8. Publishing stopping
FPWCSApi2Stream stop
- (void)publishButton:(UIButton *)button { [self changeViewState:button enabled:NO]; if ([button.titleLabel.text isEqualToString:@"STOP"]) { if ([FPWCSApi2 getSessions].count) { FPWCSApi2Stream *stream; for (FPWCSApi2Stream *s in [[FPWCSApi2 getSessions][0] getStreams]) { if ([[s getName] isEqualToString:_localStreamName.text]) { stream = s; break; } } if (!stream) { NSLog(@"Stop publishing, nothing to stop"); [self onUnpublished]; return; } NSError *error; [stream stop:&error]; } else { NSLog(@"Stop publishing, no session"); [self onUnpublished]; } ... } }
9. Connection closing
FPWCSApi2Session disconnect
- (void)connectButton:(UIButton *)button { [self changeViewState:button enabled:NO]; if ([button.titleLabel.text isEqualToString:@"DISCONNECT"]) { if ([FPWCSApi2 getSessions].count) { FPWCSApi2Session *session = [FPWCSApi2 getSessions][0]; NSLog(@"Disconnect session with server %@", [session getServerUrl]); [session disconnect]; } else { NSLog(@"Nothing to disconnect"); [self onDisconnected]; } ... } }