The example shows how to test a publishing channel bandwidth.
On the screenshot below
- Server url - Websocket URL of WCS server
- Test duration - test maximum duration in ms
- Current bitrate - a current measured data sending bitarte in kbps
Example source code
The source code consists of the following modules:
- bitrate_test.html - HTML page
- bitrate_test.css - HTML page style
- bitrate_test.js - main application logic
Analyzing the code
To analyze the example source code, take the file bitrate_test.js
available here.
1. Local variables
Local variables declaration to work with constants, SFU SDK, to store a current state and to work with a test room
const constants = SFU.constants; const sfu = SFU; let bitrateTestState; const BITRATE_TEST = "bitrateTest"; const TEST_DURATION = 30000;
2. Object to store current testing state
The object should keep Websocket session data, WebRTC connection data, room data and object to launch the test
const CurrentState = function (prefix) { let state = { prefix: prefix, pc: null, session: null, room: null, bitrateController: null, set: function (pc, session, room) { state.pc = pc; state.session = session; = room; }, clear: function () { = null; state.session = null; state.pc = null; state.bitrateController = null; }, durationId: function () { return state.prefix + "Duration"; }, buttonId: function () { return state.prefix + "Btn"; }, statusId: function () { return state.prefix + "Status"; }, errInfoId: function () { return state.prefix + "ErrorInfo"; }, currentStateId: function () { return state.prefix + "CurrentState"; }, getBitrateController: function () { return state.bitrateController; }, setBitrateController: function (controller) { state.bitrateController = controller; }, isConnected: function () { return (state.session && state.session.state() === constants.SFU_STATE.CONNECTED); } }; return state; }
3. Initialization
The init() function is called on page load and:
- initializes state objects
- initializes input fields
const init = function () { bitrateTestState = CurrentState(BITRATE_TEST); $("#" + bitrateTestState.buttonId()).prop('disabled', true); $("#url").prop('disabled', true); onDisconnected(bitrateTestState); $("#url").val(setURL()); $("#" + bitrateTestState.durationId()).val(TEST_DURATION); }
4. Establishing server connection
RTCPeerConnection(), SFU.createRoom() code
The connect() function is called by Start button click:
- creates PeerConnection object
- cleans the previous session state displayed
- sets up room configuration and creates Websocket session
- subscribes to Websocket session events
const connect = async function (state) { //create peer connection const pc = new RTCPeerConnection(); //get config object for room creation const roomConfig = getRoomConfig(defaultConfig); roomConfig.url = $("#url").val(); roomConfig.roomName = "ROOM1-" + createUUID(4); roomConfig.nickname = "User1" + createUUID(4); // clean status display items setStatus(state.statusId(), " "); setStatus(state.errInfoId(), " "); // clean bitrate display item $("#" + state.currentStateId()).val(""); // connect to server and create a room if not try { const session = await sfu.createRoom(roomConfig); // Set up session ending events session.on(constants.SFU_EVENT.DISCONNECTED, function () { onStopClick(state); onDisconnected(state); setStatus(state.statusId(), "DISCONNECTED", "green"); }).on(constants.SFU_EVENT.FAILED, function (e) { onStopClick(state); onDisconnected(state); setStatus(state.statusId(), "FAILED", "red"); if (e.status && e.statusText) { setStatus(state.errInfoId(), e.status + " " + e.statusText, "red"); } else if (e.type && { setStatus(state.errInfoId(), e.type + ": " +, "red"); } }); // Connected successfully onConnected(state, pc, session); setStatus(state.statusId(), "ESTABLISHED", "green"); } catch (e) { onDisconnected(state); setStatus(state.statusId(), "FAILED", "red"); setStatus(state.errInfoId(), e, "red"); } }
5. Starting the channel bandwidth test after session establishing
The onConnected() function:
- sets up Stop button click actions
- subscribes to room error events
- calls the testing function
const onConnected = function (state, pc, session) { state.set(pc, session,; $("#" + state.buttonId()).text("Stop").off('click').click(function () { onStopClick(state); }).prop('disabled', false); $('#url').prop('disabled', true); $("#" + bitrateTestState.durationId()).prop('disabled', true); // Add errors displaying, function (e) { setStatus(state.errInfoId(), e, "red"); onStopClick(state); }).on(constants.SFU_ROOM_EVENT.OPERATION_FAILED, function (e) { onOperationFailed(state, e); }).on(constants.SFU_ROOM_EVENT.ENDED, function () { setStatus(state.errInfoId(), "Room " + + " has ended", "red"); onStopClick(state); }).on(constants.SFU_ROOM_EVENT.DROPPED, function () { setStatus(state.errInfoId(), "Dropped from the room " + + " due to network issues", "red"); onStopClick(state); }); startBitrateTest(state); }
6. Channel testing
SFURoom.join(), BitrateTest.setListener(), BitrateTest.test() code
The startBitrateTest() function:
- joins SFU room and negotiates WebRTC connection
- gets access to BitrateTest object
- adds onStateChange event handler function to BitrateTest object
- launches the channel testing
- displays the testing results
const startBitrateTest = async function (state) { if ( { await, null, {}); const stateSelector = $("#" + state.currentStateId()); stateSelector.attr("style", "display:inline-block;margin-left: 10px"); try { const bitrateTest =; state.setBitrateController(bitrateTest); bitrateTest.setListener({ onStatusUpdate(bitrateKbps) { stateSelector.text("Current bitrate: " + bitrateKbps + " kbps"); } }); bitrateTest.test($("#" + bitrateTestState.durationId()).val()).then((bitrateKbps) => { stateSelector.text("Test is finished, last measured bitrate: " + bitrateKbps + " kbps"); state.setBitrateController(null); onStopClick(state); }); } catch (e) { if (e.type === constants.SFU_ROOM_EVENT.OPERATION_FAILED) { onOperationFailed(state, e); } else { console.error("Failed to start bitrate test: " + e); setStatus(state.errInfoId(),, "red"); onStopClick(state); } } } }
7. Test stopping
BitrateTest.stop() code
const stopBitrateTest = function (state) { const controller = state.getBitrateController(); if (controller) { controller.stop(); } }
8. Start click action
connect() code
The onStartClick() function:
- validates input fields
- calls the connect() function
const onStartClick = function (state) { if (validateForm("connectionForm", state.errInfoId())) { $("#" + state.buttonId()).prop('disabled', true); connect(state); } }
9. Stop click action
Session.disconnect() code
The onStopClick() function:
- stops the test if running
- disconnects the Websocket session
const onStopClick = async function (state) { if (state.isConnected()) { stopBitrateTest(state); await state.session.disconnect(); onDisconnected(state); } }
10. Websocket session disconnection action
The onDisconnected() function:
- sets up Start click action
- enables Server url and Test duration fields access
const onDisconnected = function (state) { state.clear(); $("#" + state.buttonId()).text("Start").off('click').click(function () { onStartClick(state); }).prop('disabled', false); $('#url').prop('disabled', false); $("#" + bitrateTestState.durationId()).prop('disabled', false); }