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SFU SDK release notes

Build Date Ticket Notes GitHub
2.0.279 03 Sep 2024 zapp-807 SDK - SFU SDK API documentation 80b8317
2.0.278 27 Aug 2024 zapp-804 WCS/SDK/Redux - meeting into direct chat ab4087d
2.0.277 22 Aug 2024 zapp-789 Added: WCS/SDK/Redux - meeting into the channel 52b4799
2.0.276 16 Aug 2024 zapp-570 Fixed: WCS/SDK/Redux - bug with unread messages count after using partial load of messages 412403d
2.0.275 15 Aug 2024 zapp-800 Added: WCS/SDK/Redux - default role EVERYONE for all space members 6c8337b
2.0.274 09 Aug 2024 zapp-769 Added: WCS/SDK/Redux - CRUD for spaces, categories, threads bcb9d48
zapp-786 Added: WCS/SDK/Redux - CRUD for messages in space channels and threads
2.0.273 22 May 2024 WCS-4133 Fixed: SFU SDK: Refactor SFU Bitrate Test example code. Docs: Publishing channel bandwidth testing / SFU Bitrate Test cddb733
2.0.272 26 Apr 2024 WCS-3214 Added: Channel bandwidth testing d8ec58c
2.0.271 04 Apr 2024 zapp-764 Fixed: WCS - Room destroyed message after join meeting 5def3fd
2.0.270 05 Mar 2024 zapp-725 Fixed: React - Stabilize webrtc unit tests 66d3f60
2.0.269 16 Feb 2024 zapp-721 Fixed: SFU SDK - SFU Controller does not parse Zapp room stats 44b89dd
2.0.268 06 Feb 2024 WCS-3982 Added: SFU SVC support with VP9 codec. Docs: VP9 support 017a9fe
2.0.264 08 Jan 2024 zapp-685 Fixed: Failed Mongo state - close websocket connection 2adb655
2.0.263 28 Dec 2023 zapp-717 WCS/SDK/Redux - send few qualities for video track and receive available qualities 210f396
2.0.262 19 Dec 2023 zapp-640 Load tracks on demand bc35f9f
2.0.261 06 Dec 2023 zapp-706 WCS/SDK/Redux - should change message status when recipient is loading messages after logging in 91f1929
2.0.258 30 Nov 2023 zapp-626 Fixed: WCS/SDK - Optimize attached file chunks cut e237e25
2.0.257 24 Nov 2023 zapp-677 WCS - should verify sign in on new client device b030d16
2.0.256 10 Nov 2023 WCS-3964 Fixed: SFU SDK: Audio track should be manually unmuted in iOS Safari 1b9bd81
2.0.255 09 Nov 2023 zapp-675 WCS/SDK/App - store token on the server side so that client can use it to reconnect/automatically login. 3dee0cd
2.0.250 26 Oct 2023 zapp-666 WCS/SDK/Redux - optimize method "markMessageRead" 34847a3
2.0.249 20 Oct 2023 zapp-581 Added: WCS/SDK/Redux - Keep websocket session on server side for client to reconnect by token c71ea03
2.0.248 13 Oct 2023 zapp-495 WCS/SDK/App Client should be able to indicate what tracks should be delivered from server. Docs: SFU SDK builds 2.0.248 and later 632b2e7
2.0.244 14 Aug 2023 zapp-550 Fixed: WCS/SDK/Redux - Allow participants to have the same nicknames 63bae02
2.0.243 14 Aug 2023 zapp-594 Add IDs to attachments e23b958
2.0.242 14 Jul 2023 zapp-577 SDK/Redux - tests for sync actions across multiple devices c32801c
2.0.240 14 Jul 2023 zapp-568 Sync actions across multiple devices 006b252
2.0.239 27 Jun 2023 zapp-509 Fixed: incorrect reply position partial download messages 6e5901b
2.0.238 26 Jun 2023 zapp-563 WCS/SDK/React - Add info for file section fc71f47
2.0.236 07 Jun 2023 zapp-527 WCS/SDK/Redux - Pagination for bookmarks e1718dc
2.0.234 05 Jun 2023 zapp-525 Fixed: Incorrect loading top messages bcdd828
2.0.233 05 Jun 2023 zapp-403 Added: WCS/SDK/Redux - Mute track events 5747c9b
2.0.231 31 May 2023 zapp-498 Fixed: WCS/App - change chat creating and fix bug with empty chat 7af9b20
2.0.230 25 May 2023 zapp-449 Fixed: React - Screen sharing video blink ce91814
2.0.229 25 May 2023 zapp-503 React - Add facility to create report or gather client logs c7ab3e1
2.0.228 19 May 2023 zapp-429 WCS / SDK - Offer model refactoring c294c58
2.0.226 11 May 2023 zapp-452 Fixed: reply message can't show parent message because doesn't exist in the list of loaded messages d30a2de
2.0.221 28 Apr 2023 zapp-468 WCS/SDK/Redux - selector about enabling waiting room should be actual and meeting should use default settings when creating without pmi a862dbc
2.0.220 28 Apr 2023 zapp-382 WCS/SDK/Redux - Mentions 3630e69
2.0.216 18 Apr 2023 zapp-384 WCS/SDK/Redux - Chat bookmarks d05fa26
2.0.214 14 Apr 2023 zapp-425 Added: SDK - node-webrtc adaptation. Docs: Install npm dependencies 98b6b41
2.0.212 13 Apr 2023 zapp-445 WCS - should define attachment media type when saving ef52046
2.0.210 06 Apr 2023 zapp-385 WCS/SDK/Redux - Chat message attachment display and search fc3de4a
2.0.206 30 Mar 2023 zapp-397 Fixed: Stabilize Zapp alpha application 56df83d
2.0.203 23 Mar 2023 zapp-419 WCS/SDK/Redux - add method for get messages count of chat 9951aba
2.0.202 20 Mar 2023 zapp-416 Added: Add options to switch websocket connection check off 73e5d67
2.0.201 14 Mar 2023 zapp-411 Refactoring deleting a message from a chat 20456c4
2.0.200 09 Mar 2023 zapp-350 WCS/SDK/Redux - Add advanced settings into scheduled meetings 74e5e8a
2.0.198 03 Mar 2023 zapp-390 WCS/SDK/Redux/React - reset password a6adde0
2.0.196 24 Feb 2023 zapp-389 WCS/SDK/Redux/React - Sign up (new user registration) 800f447
2.0.195 24 Feb 2023 zapp-405 User settings timezone and phone number 9469dea
2.0.194 20 Feb 2023 WCS-3678 Fixed: SFU SDK: check if connection failed at client side. Docs: Websocket server connection control b71c7dd
2.0.193 13 Feb 2023 WCS-3689 Fixed: SFU SDK: SFU clients must wait until the promise is resolved 96f0aeb
2.0.192 10 Feb 2023 zapp-392 WCS/SDK - Cancel sending attachment if it has state uploaded but message is pending other attachments f502e20
2.0.190 10 Feb 2023 zapp-393 Added: SDK - cancellation of sending attachments must work in realtime e65b6b7
2.0.189 10 Feb 2023 zapp-320 WCS/SDK/Redux - Add functionality to delete and edit messages in chats and channels 700075b
2.0.188 09 Feb 2023 zapp-363 WCS/SDK/Redux - Change user account settings 05bd031
2.0.186 13 Jan 2023 WCS-3635 Added: SFU SDK: custom track identification. Docs: Audio/video tracks identification 8287dd9
2.0.185 12 Jan 2023 zapp-353 Fixed: WCS - Generate permanent ID for scheduled event 75b6e3d
2.0.179 21 Dec 2022 zapp-300 Fixed: SDK - unstable tests 4b606b2
2.0.155 15 Dec 2022 WCS-3662 Fixed: SFU room: Ghost participants after multiple NicknameUnavailableExceptions 3ad4dbe
2.0.136 07 Dec 2022 WCS-3648 Added: WebRTC ABR Player example. Docs: Playback in a browser via WebRTC ABR / WebRTC ABR Player 8830d30
2.0.135 24 Nov 2022 zapp-154 Added: SDK - SFU disconnect should be async, Redux - change tests those contains TODO f6dc6b9
2.0.132 09 Nov 2022 zapp-296 WCS/SDK/Redux/React - meeting superuser flag b628af3
2.0.131 02 Nov 2022 zapp-293 Fixed: SFU client example: chat is not working 110b53a
2.0.130 21 Oct 2022 zapp-266 WCS/SDK - Backend should store personal meeting ID (PMI) settings a132b46
2.0.129 20 Oct 2022 zapp-277 WCS/App - add setting 'initialAudio/VideoMuted' 9af3242
2.0.128 19 Oct 2022 zapp-273 WCS/SDK/App - add politics of screen sharing and add feature to disable "start share" 8b786c5
2.0.126 29 Sep 2022 zapp-211 Added: WCS/SDK/Redux - Handle RTP activity timeout 652a53c
2.0.124 22 Sep 2022 zapp-59 Meeting slice rename participant in a meeting f3db870
2.0.123 22 Sep 2022 zapp-217 Reply message 05b7be1
2.0.118 14 Sep 2022 zapp-225 WCS/SDK/Redux - leaveRoom during the join operation e880a2f
2.0.117 12 Sep 2022 zapp-136 WCS/SDK/Redux - Meeting move participant to waiting room - check participants state 94fcbde
2.0.116 12 Sep 2022 zapp-66 Meeting chat selective messages c73400e
2.0.107 01 Sep 2022 zapp-132 Electron/React - User notifications f6eb39e
2.0.106 31 Aug 2022 zapp-47 User should be a chat member to send messages bcc8dc5
2.0.105 31 Aug 2022 zapp-212 Redux - Reset state on websocket connection lost f6c84f9
2.0.104 31 Aug 2022 zapp-199 WCS, SDK, Redux - Get progress file uploading, loading bf2d9bf
2.0.102 26 Aug 2022 zapp-200 WCS/SDK/Redux - Cancel upload and load files from server 7e799ff
2.0.101 24 Aug 2022 zapp-214 Added: SDK/Redux - Track creation timestamp fc2e845
2.0.100 19 Aug 2022 zapp-64 Server meeting chat to reuse main chat and ditch rtc data channel 384725d
2.0.99 17 Aug 2022 zapp-203 Fixed: SDK, Redux - Send Message attachments without text 0c2afeb
2.0.98 08 Aug 2022 zapp-192 WCS - ZApp allow only one active connection per user c61164d
2.0.97 03 Aug 2022 zapp-167 Fixed: WCS - Participant can join to already joined meeting 00d16ef
2.0.96 29 Jul 2022 zapp-118 Fixed: Server NPE on getLease call bc08d2d
2.0.95 27 Jul 2022 zapp-189 WCS/SDK/Redux/React - server side chat message search b64a223
2.0.92 25 Jul 2022 zapp-131 WCS/SDK/Redux - Partial download of messages f613758
2.0.90 21 Jul 2022 zapp-179 Fixed: SDK/Redux - Attachments issues c748691
2.0.89 18 Jul 2022 zapp-71 Fixed: Call leaveRoom after join cause TypeError f74bc59
2.0.88 18 Jul 2022 zapp-160 WCS/SDK/Redux/React - fast and dirty video inside the meeting db6d983
2.0.87 06 Jul 2022 zapp-164 Fixed: Unstable SFU-SDK tests 631935a
2.0.86 05 Jul 2022 zapp-166 SDK/Redux - turn on tests f267037
2.0.82 21 Jun 2022 zapp-165 Redux/SDK - skipped tests from previous fixed issues 2107ba2
2.0.81 21 Jun 2022 zapp-163 SDK/Redux - roomExists should check pin correctly 9861d32
2.0.78 15 Jun 2022 zapp-146 Added: WCS/SDK/Redux - roomExists should check PIN as well 4276213
2.0.77 15 Jun 2022 zapp-92 Fixed: SDK/Redux - Unstable tests 7987be7
2.0.76 14 Jun 2022 zapp-140 Fixed: Second join to meeting throw error 8be2014
2.0.75 06 Jun 2022 zapp-124 Fixed: WCS/SDK/Redux - endMeeting state is not refreshed after a meeting ends up e88a26d
2.0.74 03 Jun 2022 zapp-129 WCS/SDK - Send cause error message on join meeting with waiting room 27a4af5
zapp-130 WCS/SDK/Redux - Allow to check whether meeting with ID exists or not
2.0.72 02 Jun 2022 zapp-121 Fixed: WCS/SDK - Relogin chat removing messages dabd9ee
2.0.71 23 May 2022 zapp-102 Redux - add message attachment types e1310e4
2.0.70 23 May 2022 zapp-119 WCS/SDK - roomAvailable() should return correct string if failed 0d32ce9
2.0.69 19 May 2022 zapp-116 WCS/SDK/Redux - fast track meeting alterations 318fcb1
2.0.68 12 May 2022 zapp-110 SDK/Redux - create meeting name should be optional 60c1b2d
2.0.67 12 May 2022 zapp-111 WCS/SDK/Redux - Channel external users property d4beeb2
2.0.66 12 May 2022 zapp-112 WCS/SDK/Redux - load user meetings fb099c2
2.0.65 11 May 2022 zapp-109 WCS/SDK/Redux - Create meeting based on calendar event e1a0e5e
2.0.61 29 Apr 2022 zapp-56 Meeting slice custom nickname for the meeting aa948dd
2.0.59 28 Apr 2022 zapp-57 Pinless meeting c89e0cc
2.0.57 22 Apr 2022 zapp-65 Added: Meeting chat detailed IM state 86017ff
2.0.56 22 Apr 2022 zapp-79 Added: Move SFU SDK examples to a separate package. Docs: Overview / Building SFU SDK from source / Building the examples 3b657b2
2.0.54 21 Apr 2022 zapp-44 Added: Websocket binary data transfer b54b1b8
2.0.53 20 Apr 2022 zapp-80 WCS/SDK/Redux - invite contact using email address fed05d6
2.0.51 18 Apr 2022 zapp-46 Meeting slice assignRole test d21f762
zapp-48 Meeting slice Waiting Room support
2.0.50 18 Apr 2022 zapp-77 Contacts slice add contact to favourite d73ecaa
2.0.48 15 Apr 2022 zapp-30 Rewrite sfu sdk in typescript 58d71bc
1.0.47 28 Mar 2022 zapp-43 Add PMI implementation 6ec4cb0
1.0.43 16 Mar 2022 zapp-26 Meeting slice d40601e
1.0.42 15 Mar 2022 zapp-37 Finishing off chatSlice d10a7b1
1.0.41 04 Mar 2022 WCS-3440 Fixed: Room join failure issues in streaming examples. Docs: SFU Two Way Streaming / SFU Player 7bd8412
1.0.40 01 Mar 2022 zapp-35 Consider new development cycle for dependencies b19877e 21 Feb 2022 zapp-13 Added: Chat b604523 21 Feb 2022 WCS-2884 Added: SFU streaming examples. Docs: SFU Two Way Streaming / SFU Player / SFU common modules 5937cf8 28 Jan 2022 zapp-15 Error handling fc0c18f 21 Jan 2022 zapp-10 Added: Meeting cards 16c5fe7 11 Jan 2022 zapp-2 Integrate Sign In form with SFU SDK 8abde8b 10 Nov 2021 WCS-3365 ZClient waiting room funcitons 09897a7 25 Oct 2021 WCS-3161 Added: SFU streams to be available as WCS regular streams. Docs: SFU streams availablility as WCS streams 202e624 25 Oct 2021 WCS-3357 Added: SFU SDK: Publish SFU SDK NPM package. Docs: NPM package 0679223 12 Oct 2021 WCS-3333 Added: SFU functions: public beta. Docs: SFU functions with Simulcast / SFU SDK f8ea43b 18 May 2021 WCS-3185 SFU - DataChannels ea3b78c 12 May 2021 WCS-3158 Added: SFU - H264 support f535f15