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Complete list of CLI v 2 commands

Command Example Description
cdn acl-add cdn acl-add test key1 key2 key3 Set ACL keys to certain stream
cdn acl-delete cdn acl-delete test Clear ACL keys from certain stream
cdn acl-print cdn acl-print test Show ACL keys for certain stream
cdn acl-remove cdn acl-remove test key1 Remove the selected ACL keys from certain stream
cdn enforce-state cdn enforce-state PASSIVE Explicitly set current CDN node state
cdn profile-print cdn profile-print Show transcoding profiles set on this CDN node
cdn profile-remove cdn profile-remove -240p Remove the transcoding profile from this CDN node
cdn show-nodes cdn show-nodes Show CDN nodes visible from this node
cdn show-state cdn show-state Show this CDN node state
cdn show-route cdn show-route test Show stream routes visible from this CDN node
cdn show-routes cdn show-routes Show active CDN stream routes
connection debug-add connection debug-add -a Enable client debug logs for this IP address
connection debug-remove connection debug-remove -a Disable client debug logs for this IP address
connection debug-cleanup connection debug-cleanup Enable client debug logs for all IP addresses
connection debug-show connection debug-show Show IP addresses list for which client debug logs recording is enabled
stream find stream find --name test --published true Find the stream by criteria
stream find-all stream find-all Show all the streams on this server
stream record-metrics-start stream record-metrics-start --rate 5000 6c5c6130-43d5-11ea-a6d3-6d75c77a1030 Start stream metrics recording
stream record-metrics-stop stream record-metrics-stop 6c5c6130-43d5-11ea-a6d3-6d75c77a1030 Stop stream metrics recording
stream record-start stream record-start --template {streamName}-{startTime} --rotation 10 6c5c6130-43d5-11ea-a6d3-6d75c77a1030 Start stream recording
stream record-stop stream record-stopĀ 6c5c6130-43d5-11ea-a6d3-6d75c77a1030 Stop stream recording
stream show-metrics stream show-metrics --streamName testStream Show metrics of the stream published with the name, or a stream with the specified mediaSessionId
stream terminate stream terminate 6c5c6130-43d5-11ea-a6d3-6d75c77a1030 Stop stream playback or publishing on this server