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Server SSL certificates checking while Websocket connection establishing

By default, Android SDK delegates SSL certificates checking to the system level while establishing secure Websocket connestion to a server. On the system level, in its turn, server certificate is compared with system certificate storage content.

In this case, if the server uses self-signed certificate (for debugging purposes), this certificate will not pass the checking. Use the following ways to bypass this depending on Android SDK build.

Since build the session option SessionOptions.trustAllCertificates is added, false by default. To accept any certificates including self-signed ones, this option should be set to true

SessionOptions sessionOptions = new SessionOptions(url);

Usage example:


private CheckBox mTrustAllCer;
mTrustAllCer = (CheckBox) findViewById(;
* The options for connection session are set.
* WCS server URL is passed when SessionOptions object is created.
* SurfaceViewRenderer to be used to display video from the camera is set with method SessionOptions.setLocalRenderer().
* SurfaceViewRenderer to be used to display preview stream video received from the server is set with method SessionOptions.setRemoteRenderer().
SessionOptions sessionOptions = new SessionOptions(url);


Today, Google Play security requirements does not allow to publish an application with such code. Use the recommended way below.

Since Android SDK build X509TrustManager class implementation is removed from Android SDK code. For testing purposes, self-signed certificate must be added to application resources. Also, the configuration file network_security_config.xml containing certificate file description must be added:


            <certificates src="@raw/my_ca"/>
            <certificates src="system"/>