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iOS Phone Video

Example of iOS application for video calls

On the screenshot below the example is displayed before a call will be established.

The interface of he application is the same as in the example Phone, except that two videos are played

  • left - video from the camera of this user
  • right - video from the other call party

Analyzing the code

To analyze the code, let's take PhoneMinVideo example, which is available here.

View class for the main view of the application: ViewController (header file ViewController.h; implementation file ViewController.m).

1. Import of API


#import <FPWCSApi2/FPWCSApi2.h>

2. Connection to the server

FPWCSApi2.createSession, FPWCSApi2Session.connect code

FPWCSApi2SessionOptions object with the following parameters is passed to createSession() method

  • URL of WCS server
  • SIP parameters to make outgoing call and to receive incoming calls
  • appKey of internal server-side application (defaultApp)
FPWCSApi2SessionOptions *options = [[FPWCSApi2SessionOptions alloc] init];
options.urlServer = _connectUrl.text;
options.sipRegisterRequired = _sipRegRequired.control.isOn;
options.sipLogin = _sipLogin.input.text;
options.sipAuthenticationName = _sipAuthName.input.text;
options.sipPassword = _sipPassword.input.text;
options.sipDomain = _sipDomain.input.text;
options.sipOutboundProxy = _sipOutboundProxy.input.text;
options.sipPort = [NSNumber numberWithInteger: [_sipPort.input.text integerValue]];
options.appKey = @"defaultApp";
NSError *error;
session = [FPWCSApi2 createSession:options error:&error];
[session connect];

3. Outgoing call.

FPWCSApi2Session.createCall, code

The following parameters are passed to createCall() method:

  • callee SIP username
  • view to display local video stream preview
  • view to display remote video stream from callee
  • additional SIP INVITE parameters from string set by user
- (FPWCSApi2Call *)call {
    FPWCSApi2Session *session = [FPWCSApi2 getSessions][0];
    FPWCSApi2CallOptions *options = [[FPWCSApi2CallOptions alloc] init];
    options.callee = _callee.input.text;
    options.localDisplay = _videoView.local;
    options.remoteDisplay = _videoView.remote;
    options.localConstraints = [[FPWCSApi2MediaConstraints alloc] initWithAudio:YES video:YES];
    options.remoteConstraints = [[FPWCSApi2MediaConstraints alloc] initWithAudio:YES video:YES];
    NSError *error;
    call = [session createCall:options error:&error];
    [call call];
    return call;

4. Receiving the event on incoming call

FPWCSApi2Session.onIncomingCallCallback code

[session onIncomingCallCallback:^(FPWCSApi2Call *rCall) {
    call = rCall;

    [call on:kFPWCSCallStatusBusy callback:^(FPWCSApi2Call *call){
        [self changeCallStatus:call];
        [self toCallState];

    [call on:kFPWCSCallStatusFailed callback:^(FPWCSApi2Call *call){
        [self changeCallStatus:call];
        [self toCallState];

    [call on:kFPWCSCallStatusRing callback:^(FPWCSApi2Call *call){
        [self changeCallStatus:call];
        [self toHangupState];

    [call on:kFPWCSCallStatusHold callback:^(FPWCSApi2Call *call){
        [self changeCallStatus:call];
        [self changeViewState:_holdButton enabled:YES];

    [call on:kFPWCSCallStatusEstablished callback:^(FPWCSApi2Call *call){
        [self changeCallStatus:call];
        [self toHangupState];
        [self changeViewState:_holdButton enabled:YES];

    [call on:kFPWCSCallStatusFinish callback:^(FPWCSApi2Call *call){
        [self changeCallStatus:call];
        [self toCallState];
        [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

5. Answering incoming call

FPWCSApi2Call.answer code

alert = [UIAlertController
         alertControllerWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Incoming call from '%@'", [rCall getCallee]]

UIAlertAction* answerButton = [UIAlertAction
                               handler:^(UIAlertAction * action) {
                                   [call getLocalConstraints].video = [[FPWCSApi2VideoConstraints alloc] init];
                                   [call setLocalDisplay:_videoView.local];
                                   [call setRemoteDisplay:_videoView.remote];
                                   [call answer];

[alert addAction:answerButton];
UIAlertAction* hangupButton = [UIAlertAction
                               handler:^(UIAlertAction * action) {
                                   [call hangup];

[alert addAction:hangupButton];
[self presentViewController:alert animated:YES completion:nil];

6. Call hold and retrieve

FPWCSApi2Call.hold, FPWCSApi2Call.unhold code

- (void)holdButton:(UIButton *)button {
    [self changeViewState:button enabled:NO];
    if ([button.titleLabel.text isEqualToString:@"UNHOLD"]) {
        if (call) {
            [call unhold];
            [_holdButton setTitle:@"HOLD" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
    } else {
        if (call) {
            [call hold];
            [_holdButton setTitle:@"UNHOLD" forState:UIControlStateNormal];

7. Outgoing call hangup

FPWCSApi2Call.hangup code

- (void)callButton:(UIButton *)button {
    [self changeViewState:button enabled:NO];
    if ([button.titleLabel.text isEqualToString:@"HANGUP"]) {
        if ([FPWCSApi2 getSessions].count) {
            [call hangup];
        } else {
            [self toCallState];

8. Incoming call hangup

FPWCSApi2Call.hangup code

UIAlertAction* hangupButton = [UIAlertAction
                               handler:^(UIAlertAction * action) {
                                   [call hangup];

[alert addAction:hangupButton];

9. Disconnection

FPWCSApi2Session.disconnect code

- (void)connectButton:(UIButton *)button {
    [self changeViewState:button enabled:NO];
    if ([button.titleLabel.text isEqualToString:@"DISCONNECT"]) {
        if ([FPWCSApi2 getSessions].count) {
            FPWCSApi2Session *session = [FPWCSApi2 getSessions][0];
            NSLog(@"Disconnect session with server %@", [session getServerUrl]);
            [session disconnect];
        } else {
            NSLog(@"Nothing to disconnect");
            [self onDisconnected];