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Republishing to Wowza

1. Preparing to the test

For the test we use:

  • the demo server at;
  • the Two Way Streaming web application to publish streams;
  • the Chrome browser and the REST client to send REST queries;
  • the WebRTC as RTMP web application to play the stream from the RTMP server.

2. Start a broadcast from a web camera to the WCS server

Open the Two-way Streaming application. Publish the broadcast and copy the identifier of the stream:

3. Republish the stream using REST API

Open the REST client. Send the /push/startup query to the WCS server and specify the identifier of the broadcast in the streamName parameter and the URL of the Wowza server in the rtmpUrl parameter:

Copy the session identifier and the name of the stream published to Wowza server from the query response:

4. Checking if Wowza server receives the stream

In a new tab open the WebRTC as RTMP web application. In the field under the RTMP Player window specify the URL of the Wowza server and the name of the stream you obtained on the previous step. Click Play:

5. Stop stream republishing

Send the /push/terminate query to the WCS server and specify the identifier of the session in the mediaSessionId parameter of the query:

The RTMP player will stop showing the image then, and below the window you will see the StreamNotFound message: