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A call to a mobile phone via the SIP server


A SIP call to a mobile phone is a special case of calls between a browser and a SIP device, when the SIP server either operates as a GSM/PSTN gateway itself or connects to one during the call.

Supported platforms and browsers

Chrome Firefox Safari Edge
Mac OS

Supported protocols

  • WebRTC
  • RTP
  • SIP

Supported codecs

  • H.264
  • VP8
  • G.711
  • Speex
  • G.729
  • Opus

Supported SIP functions

  • DTMF
  • Holding a call
  • Transferring a call

SIP functions are managed using the WebSDK.

Operation flowchart

  1. The browser begins a call
  2. WCS connects to the SIP server
  3. The SIP server connects to the GSM/PSTN gateway
  4. The GSM/PSTN gateway connects to the mobile phone
  5. The browser and the phone exchange audio streams

Quick manual on testing

  1. For the test we use:
  2. a SIP account;
  3. the Phone UI web application to make a call;
  4. a mobile phone to answer the call.

  5. Open the Phone UI web application. Click Log in and enter the SIP account credentials:

  6. Enter the mobile phone number and click Voice call. Dialing starts:

  7. The mobile phone displays an incoming call on the screen:

  8. Answer the call on the mobile phone:

  9. The browser also shows that the connection is established:

  10. To terminate the call, click the Hangup button.

Call flow

Below is the call flow when using the Phone example to create a call.



  1. Creating a call
    Session.createCall(), code

    var outCall = this.session.createCall({
        callee: callee,
        visibleName: this.sipOptions.login,
        localVideoDisplay: this.localVideo,
        remoteVideoDisplay: this.remoteVideo,
        constraints: constraints

  2. Sending SIP INVITE to the SIP server

  3. Sending SIP INVITE to the GSM/PSTN gateway

  4. Establishing a connection to the mobile terminal

  5. Receiving a confirmation from the GSM/PSTN gateway

  6. Receiving a confirmation from the SIP server

  7. Receiving from the server an event confirming successful connection

    var outCall = this.session.createCall({
    }).on(CALL_STATUS.ESTABLISHED, function(call){

  8. Participants of the call exchange audio streams

  9. Terminating the call
    Call.hangup() code

    Phone.prototype.hangup = function () {
        trace("Phone - hangup " + + " status " + this.currentCall.status());
        if (this.currentCall.status() == CALL_STATUS.PENDING) {
        } else {

  10. Sending SIP BYE to the SIP server

  11. Sending SIP BYE to the GSM/PSTN gateway

  12. Receiving a confirmation from the GSM/PSTN gateway

  13. Receiving a confirmation from the SIP server