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Audio/video track status detection: muted/unmuted

Since Android SDK build it is possible to receive stream publisher events while playing the stream. This can be used to detect if audio or video is muted by stream publisher: when piblisher uses muteAusio()/muteVideo() methods, a special event is sending to all thesubscribers. To receive this event while playing a stream, define the function Stream.onStreamEvent() and check a value returned by StreamEvent.getType() method:


public void onStreamEvent(StreamEvent streamEvent) {
    runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            switch (streamEvent.getType()) {
                case audioMuted: mAudioMuteStatus.setText(getString(R.string.audio_mute_status)+"true"); break;
                case audioUnmuted: mAudioMuteStatus.setText(getString(R.string.audio_mute_status)+"false"); break;
                case videoMuted: mVideoMuteStatus.setText(getString(R.string.video_mute_status)+"true"); break;
                case videoUnmuted: mVideoMuteStatus.setText(getString(R.string.video_mute_status)+"false");

Receiving stream status after stream subscription

Since Android SDK build it is possible to receive a stream status when a subscriber connects to this stream to play in StreamStatusPlaying event handler, using Stream.getAudioState() and Stream.getVideoState() methods


public void onStreamStatus(final Stream stream, final StreamStatus streamStatus) {
    runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            if (!StreamStatus.PLAYING.equals(streamStatus)) {
            } else {
private void onPlayed(Stream stream) {

    mAudioMuteStatus.setText(getString(R.string.audio_mute_status) + String.valueOf(stream.getAudioState().isMuted()));
    mVideoMuteStatus.setText(getString(R.string.video_mute_status) + String.valueOf(stream.getVideoState().isMuted()));

Mixer incoming stream status detection while playing a mixed stream

Since Android SDK build it is possible to detect mixer incoming stream status while playing a mixed stream. In this case, Stream.onStreamEvent() should be defined, in which StreamEvent.payload should be checked with a corresponding method. Then, if payload is not empty, the name of the muted/unmuted stream should be extracted


public void onStreamEvent(StreamEvent streamEvent) {
    runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            if (streamEvent.getPayload() != null) {
                mMutedName.setText(getString(R.string.muted_name) + streamEvent.getPayload().getStreamName());
            switch (streamEvent.getType()) {
                case audioMuted: mAudioMuteStatus.setText(getString(R.string.audio_mute_status)+"true"); break;
                case audioUnmuted: mAudioMuteStatus.setText(getString(R.string.audio_mute_status)+"false"); break;
                case videoMuted: mVideoMuteStatus.setText(getString(R.string.video_mute_status)+"true"); break;
                case videoUnmuted: mVideoMuteStatus.setText(getString(R.string.video_mute_status)+"false");