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Stream parameters monitoring with REST API


WCS supports realtime stream publishing and playing parameters monitoring with REST API

Metrics available

Metric Description
VIDEO_HEIGHT Video height
VIDEO_WIDTH Video width
VIDEO_RATE Video bitrate
VIDEO_SYNC Video synchronization
VIDEO_FPS Video frame rate per second
VIDEO_NACK NACK requests count
VIDEO_PLI PLI packets count
VIDEO_CODEC Video codec
VIDEO_K_FRAMES Video key frames (I-frames) count
VIDEO_P_FRAMES Video P frames count
VIDEO_B_FRAMES Video B frames count
VIDEO_GOP_SIZE Last group of frames size between keyframes
VIDEO_LOST Video lost packets count
AUDIO_SYNC Audio synchronization
AUDIO_RATE Audio bitrate
AUDIO_LOST Lost audio packets count
AUDIO_CODEC Audio codec

Receiving common stream information

The /stream/find REST API query allows to find a stream by filter and get common information about streams found. Since build 5.2.923 stream metrics may also be requested.

REST query should be HTTP/HTTPS POST request as follows:

  • HTTP:
  • HTTPS:


  • - WCS server address
  • 8081 - REST / HTTP port of WCS server
  • 8444 - HTTPS port of WCS server
  • rest-api - URL mandatory part
  • /stream/find - REST query used

REST queries and responses


Find a stream and display its current information

Request example
POST /rest-api/stream/find HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8081
Content-Type: application/json

Response example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json

    "appKey": "flashStreamingApp",
    "sessionId": "/",
    "mediaSessionId": "6af0baf1-f014-48d6-b285-c975951a402f",
    "name": "stream1",
    "published": true,
    "hasVideo": true,
    "hasAudio": true,
    "status": "PUBLISHING",
    "sdp": ...,
    "audioCodec": "mpeg4-generic/48000/2",
    "videoCodec": "H264",
    "record": false,
    "width": 640,
    "height": 360,
    "bitrate": 0,
    "minBitrate": 0,
    "maxBitrate": 0,
    "quality": 0,
    "history": false,
    "gop": 0,
    "fps": 0,
    "audioBitrate": 0,
    "codecImpl": "",
    "transport": "UDP",
    "cvoExtension": false,
    "createDate": 1616730493789,
    "mediaType": "publish",
    "mediaProvider": "Flash",
    "metrics": {
      "VIDEO_SYNC": 43688,
      "VIDEO_K_FRAMES": 22,
      "AUDIO_SYNC": 43712,
      "VIDEO_NACK": 0,
      "AUDIO_RATE": 129408,
      "AUDIO_LOST": 0,
      "VIDEO_LOST": 0,
      "VIDEO_CODEC": 119,
      "VIDEO_B_FRAMES": 0,
      "VIDEO_PLI": 0,
      "AUDIO_CODEC": 96,
      "VIDEO_RATE": 1187440,
      "VIDEO_WIDTH": 640,
      "VIDEO_GOP_SIZE": 48,
      "VIDEO_HEIGHT": 360,
      "VIDEO_FPS": 24,
      "VIDEO_P_FRAMES": 1027
Return codes
Code Reason
200 OK
404 Not found
500 Internal server error





display Addituional stream parameters to be in response  ["metrics"]


Media session Id


name Stream name stream1
published Published or playing true
hasVideo Is there video in the stream? true
hasAudio Is there video in the stream? true
status Stream status PUBLISHING
sdp Stream SDP
audioCodec Audio codec  mpeg4-generic
videoCodec Video codec H264
record Stream is recording false
width Stream width at publishing moment 640
height Stream height at publishing moment 360
transport WebRTC or MPEG-TS stream transport used UDP
cvoExtension WebRTC picture orientation extension is used false
createDate Stream creation date 1616730493789
mediaType Media session type: publish or play publish
mediaProvider Publishing or plaing stream provider (Flash for RTMP) Flash
minBitrate Transcoder parameters created by REST API

Audio codec details displaying

Since build 5.2.1619 audio track samplerate and channels count are displayed:

    "name": "stream1",
    "audioCodec": "mpeg4-generic/48000/2",
    "videoCodec": "H264",

If there is no audio track in the stream, audioCodec will not be displayed.

Audio redundancy statistics displaying

Since build 5.2.2066 audio redundency statistics may be displayed by request

POST /rest-api/stream/find HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8081
Content-Type: application/json


A published stream statistics example

    "name": "stream1",
    "red": {
        "output": {
            "totalRedundantBytes": 0,
            "totalRedundantPackets": 0
        "input": {
            "totalRedundantBytes": 862151,
            "usedRedundantBytes": 24115,
            "totalRedundantPackets": 24633,
            "usedRedundantPackets": 689


  • totalRedundantBytes - total redundant bytes count
  • usedRedundantBytes - used redundant bytes count
  • totalRedundantPackets - total redundant packets count
  • usedRedundantPackets - used redundant packets count

The statistics shows non-null values when audio redundancy support (RED) is enabled


Receiving stream metrics only

REST query should be HTTP/HTTPS POST request as follows:

  • HTTP:
  • HTTPS:


  • - WCS server address
  • 8081 - REST / HTTP port of WCS server
  • 8444 - HTTPS port of WCS server
  • rest-api - URL mandatory part
  • /stream/metrics - REST query used

REST queries and responses


Get stream metrics information

Request example
POST /rest-api/stream/metrics HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8081
Content-Type: application/json

   "mediaSessionId" : "72b76eb8-3c01-47f3-b308-a0516d51249b"
POST /rest-api/stream/metrics HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8081
Content-Type: application/json

   "name" : "testStream"
Response example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json

    "VIDEO_B_FRAMES": 0,
    "VIDEO_WIDTH": 1920,
    "VIDEO_SYNC": 1583463093448,
    "AUDIO_RATE": 31832,
    "VIDEO_PLI": 0,
    "VIDEO_HEIGHT": 1080,
    "AUDIO_SYNC": 1583463093415,
    "VIDEO_FPS": 36,
    "AUDIO_CODEC": 111,
    "VIDEO_P_FRAMES": 3989,
    "VIDEO_RATE": 684352,
    "VIDEO_CODEC": 119,
    "VIDEO_K_FRAMES": 173,
    "VIDEO_NACK": 1,
    "VIDEO_LOST": 1,
    "AUDIO_LOST": 130
Return codes
Code Reason
200 OK
404 Not found
500 Internal server error


Parameter Description Example
mediaSessionId Media session identifier 72b76eb8-3c01-47f3-b308-a0516d51249b
name Stream name testStream