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iOS Screen Capturer Swift

iOS application example to capture stream from device screen

This example can be used to publish WebRTC stream from device screen with system audio or microphone audio capturing. The example works with iOS SDK 2.6.82 and newer.

The main application view is shown below. Inputs:

  • WCS Websocket URL
  • screen video stream name to publish

Application view when screen sharing is started

A special extension process is used to capture video from screen. This pocess works until device is locked or screen cpturing is stopped manually.

Analyzing the example code

To analyze the code take ScreenCapturer example version which is available on GitHub.


1. Import API


import FPWCSApi2Swift

2. Screen capturer extension parameters setup


UserDefaults.suiteName parameter must be equal to extension application group id

@IBAction func broadcastBtnPressed(_ sender: Any) {
    pickerView.showsMicrophoneButton = systemOrMicSwitch.isOn

    let userDefaults = UserDefaults.init(suiteName: "")
    userDefaults?.set(urlField.text, forKey: "wcsUrl")
    userDefaults?.set(publishVideoName.text, forKey: "streamName")
    userDefaults?.set(systemOrMicSwitch.isOn, forKey: "useMic")

3. Receiving screen capture parameters in extension code


override func broadcastStarted(withSetupInfo setupInfo: [String : NSObject]?) {
    let userDefaults = UserDefaults.init(suiteName: "")
    let wcsUrl = userDefaults?.string(forKey: "wcsUrl")
    if  wcsUrl != self.wcsUrl || session?.getStatus() != .fpwcsSessionStatusEstablished {
        session = nil
    self.wcsUrl = wcsUrl ?? self.wcsUrl

    let streamName = userDefaults?.string(forKey: "streamName")
    self.streamName = streamName ?? self.streamName

4. Screen capturer object setup to capture audio

FPWCSApi2.getAudioManager().useAudioModule code

let useMic = userDefaults?.bool(forKey: "useMic")

capturer = ScreenRTCVideoCapturer(useMic: useMic ?? true)


5. Session creation to publish screen stream

WCSSessionWCSSession.connect  code

if (session == nil) {
    let options = FPWCSApi2SessionOptions()
    options.urlServer = self.wcsUrl
    options.appKey = "defaultApp"
    do {
        try session = WCSSession(options)
    } catch {

6. Screen stream publishing

WCSSession.createStream, WCSStream.publish  code

The following parameters are passed to createStream method:

  • stream name to publish
  • ScreenRTCVideoCapturer object to capture video from screen
func onConnected(_ session:WCSSession) throws {
    let options = FPWCSApi2StreamOptions() = streamName
    options.constraints = FPWCSApi2MediaConstraints(audio: false, videoCapturer: capturer);

    try publishStream = session.createStream(options)
    try publishStream?.publish()

7. ScreenRTCVideoCapturer class initialization


fileprivate class ScreenRTCVideoCapturer: RTCVideoCapturer {
    let kNanosecondsPerSecond = 1000000000
    var useMic: Bool = true;

    init(useMic: Bool) {
        self.useMic = useMic

8. System audio capturing in extension code

FPWCSApi2.getAudioManager().getAudioModule().deliverRecordedData() code

func processSampleBuffer(_ sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, with sampleBufferType: RPSampleBufferType) {
    switch sampleBufferType {
    case RPSampleBufferType.audioApp:
        if (!useMic) {

9. Microphone audio capturing in extension code

FPWCSApi2.getAudioManager().getAudioModule().deliverRecordedData() code

func processSampleBuffer(_ sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, with sampleBufferType: RPSampleBufferType) {
    switch sampleBufferType {
    case RPSampleBufferType.audioMic:
        if (useMic) {

Known limits

  1. Music from iTunes will not play when system audio capturing is active.

  2. ScreenCapturerSwift extension will receive a silence in sampleBuffer both from microphone and system audio if some other application uses the microphone. When microphone is released by other application, it is necessary to stop screen publishing and start it again to receive any audio.