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HLS VideoJS Player

Example of stream convertion to HLS and playing it in browser using VideoJS

The player shows how to convert stream published on WCS server to HLS and play it in browser. HLS stream cut starts automatically when strea is requested by HLS URL, for example http://localhost:8082/test/test.m3u8 on the screenshot below

The code of the example

The source code can be accessed on server by the following path:


  • hls-player.css - player page styles file
  • video-js.css - HLS player styles file
  • hls-player.html - player page
  • hls-player.js - player launch script
  • player-page.html - common player page elements for three HLS playback examples
  • video.js - player script (, Apache License Version 2.0)
  • videojs-hls.min.js - player script (minimized)

The example can be tested using the fiollowing URL:


Where host is WCS server address

Analyzing the code

To analize the code get hls-player.js file version with hash ecbadc3, which is available here and can be downloaded in build 2.0.212.

1. A server HLS URL detection

getHLSUrl() code

function initPage() {
    $("#header").text("HLS VideoJS Player Minimal");

2. Player initialization

videojs() code

A div element for stream playback is passed to player

function initPage() {
    var remoteVideo = document.getElementById('remoteVideo');
    remoteVideo.className = "video-js vjs-default-skin";
    player = videojs(remoteVideo);

3. Stream name detection (the stream should be published to server)

encodeURIComponent() code

function playBtnClick() {
    if (validateForm()) {
        var streamName = $('#playStream').val();
        streamName = encodeURIComponent(streamName);

4. HLS stream URL forming and player launching code

If authentication key and token are set, they will be included to stream URL

function playBtnClick() {
    if (validateForm()) {
        var videoSrc = $("#urlServer").val() + '/' + streamName + '/' + streamName + '.m3u8';
        var key = $('#key').val();
        var token = $("#token").val();
        if (key.length > 0 && token.length > 0) {
            videoSrc += "?" + key + "=" + token;
            src: videoSrc,
            type: "application/"
        console.log("Play with VideoJs");;

5. Playback stopping

player.dispose() code

This method removes the div container tag where player was initialized from the page

function stopBtnClick() {
    if (player != null) {
        console.log("Stop VideoJS player");

6. New div container tag creation after previous player was removed


function createRemoteVideo(parent) {
    remoteVideo = document.createElement("video"); = "remoteVideo";
    remoteVideo.className = "video-js vjs-default-skin";
    player = videojs(remoteVideo);