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The example shows how to publish and play a number of streams in one WebRTC connection with simulcast. A room is considered to be a publishing unit, that is, viewers who connect to this room receive all the streams published in it.

On the screenshots below:

  • Server url - Websocket URL of WCS server
  • Room name - room name
  • Publisher - publisher user name

  • Player - viewer user name
  • 360p, 720p, 180p send - quality switch buttons

Note that audio tracks are playing in a separate audio tags.

Example source code

The source code consists of the following modules:

  • two-way-streaming.html - HTML page
  • two-way-streaming.css - HTML page styles
  • two-way-streaming.js - main application logic
  • config.json - client configuration file, contains streams publishing description

Analyzing the code

To analyze the example source code, take the file two-way-streaming.js version available here

1. Local variables

Local variables declaration to work with constants, SFU SDK, to display video and to work with client configuration


const constants = SFU.constants;
const sfu = SFU;
let mainConfig;
let localDisplay;
let remoteDisplay;
let publishState;
let playState;
const PUBLISH = "publish";
const PLAY = "play";
const STOP = "stop";
const PRELOADER_URL="../commons/media/silence.mp3"

2. Default configuration

Default room configuration and stream publishing configuration to use if there is no config.json file found


const defaultConfig = {
    room: {
        url: "wss://",
        name: "ROOM1",
        pin: "1234",
        nickName: "User1"
    media: {
        audio: {
            tracks: [
                    source: "mic",
                    channels: 1
        video: {
            tracks: [
                    source: "camera",
                    width: 640,
                    height: 360,
                    codec: "H264",
                    encodings: [
                        { rid: "360p", active: true, maxBitrate: 500000 },
                        { rid: "180p", active: true, maxBitrate: 200000, scaleResolutionDownBy: 2 }

3. Object to store current publishing/playback state

The object should keep Websocket session data, WebRTC connection data and room data, and shoukd form HTML tags ids to access them from code.


const CurrentState = function(prefix) {
    let state = {
        prefix: prefix,
        pc: null,
        session: null,
        room: null,
        timer: null,
        set: function(pc, session, room) {
            state.pc = pc;
            state.session = session;
   = room;
        clear: function() {
   = null;
            state.session = null;
            state.pc = null;
        waitFor: function(div, timeout) {
            state.timer = setTimeout(function () {
                if (div.innerHTML !== "") {
                    // Enable stop button
                    $("#" + state.buttonId()).prop('disabled', false);
                else if (state.isConnected()) {
                    setStatus(state.errInfoId(), "No media capturing started in " + timeout + " ms, stopping", "red");
            }, timeout);        
        stopWaiting: function() {
            if (state.timer) {
                state.timer = null;                
        buttonId: function() {
            return state.prefix + "Btn";
        buttonText: function() {
            return (state.prefix.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + state.prefix.slice(1));
        inputId: function() {
            return state.prefix + "Name";
        statusId: function() {
            return state.prefix + "Status";
        formId: function() {
            return state.prefix + "Form";
        errInfoId: function() {
            return state.prefix + "ErrorInfo";
        is: function(value) {
            return (prefix === value);
        isActive: function() {
            return ( && state.pc);
        isConnected: function() {
            return (state.session && state.session.state() == constants.SFU_STATE.CONNECTED);
    return state;

4. Initialization

init() code

The init() function is called on page load and:

  • initializes state objects
  • reads config.json file or default configuration
  • initializes input fields
const init = function() {
    let configName = getUrlParam("config") || "./config.json";
    publishState = CurrentState(PUBLISH);
    playState = CurrentState(PLAY);
    $.getJSON(configName, function(cfg){
        mainConfig = cfg;
        //use default config
        console.error("Error reading configuration file " + configName + ": " + e.status + " " + e.statusText)
        console.log("Default config will be used");
        mainConfig = defaultConfig;

5. Establishing server connection

connect(), SFU.createRoom() code

The connect() function is called by Publish or Play click:

  • creates PeerConnection object
  • cleans previous session state displayed
  • sets up room configuration and creates Websocket session
  • subscribes to Websocket session events
const connect = function(state) {
    //create peer connection
    pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
    //get config object for room creation
    const roomConfig = getRoomConfig(mainConfig);
    roomConfig.pc = pc;
    roomConfig.url = $("#url").val();
    roomConfig.roomName = $("#roomName").val();
    roomConfig.nickname = $("#" + state.inputId()).val();
    // clean state display items
    setStatus(state.statusId(), "");
    setStatus(state.errInfoId(), "");
    // connect to server and create a room if not
    const session = sfu.createRoom(roomConfig);
    session.on(constants.SFU_EVENT.CONNECTED, function(room) {
        state.set(pc, session, room);
        setStatus(state.statusId(), "ESTABLISHED", "green");
    }).on(constants.SFU_EVENT.DISCONNECTED, function() {
        setStatus(state.statusId(), "DISCONNECTED", "green");
    }).on(constants.SFU_EVENT.FAILED, function(e) {
        setStatus(state.statusId(), "FAILED", "red");
        setStatus(state.errInfoId(), e.status + " " + e.statusText, "red");

6. Publishing or playback start after session establishing

onConnected() code

The onConnected() function:

  • sets up Stop button click actions
  • subscribes to room error events
  • calls publishing or playback function
const onConnected = function(state) {
    $("#" + state.buttonId()).text("Stop").off('click').click(function () {
    // Add errors displaying, function(e) {
        setStatus(state.errInfoId(), e, "red");
    }).on(constants.SFU_ROOM_EVENT.OPERATION_FAILED, function (e) {
        setStatus(state.errInfoId(), e.operation + " failed: " + e.error, "red");

7. Streams publishing

publishStreams(), SFURoom.join() code

The publishStreams() function:

  • initializes a basic HTML container tag to display local video
  • gets local media access accorging to configuration file
  • adds media tracks to WEbRTC connection
  • joins the room on server
  • starts a timer to wait for successful local video tags initializaton
const publishStreams = async function(state) {
    if (state.isConnected()) {
        //create local display item to show local streams
        localDisplay = initLocalDisplay(document.getElementById("localVideo"));
        try {
            //get configured local video streams
            let streams = await getVideoStreams(mainConfig);
            let audioStreams = await getAudioStreams(mainConfig);
            if (state.isConnected() && state.isActive()) {
                //combine local video streams with audio streams
                streams.push.apply(streams, audioStreams);
                let config = {};
                //add our local streams to the room (to PeerConnection)
                streams.forEach(function (s) {
                    //add local stream to local display
                    localDisplay.add(, $("#" + state.inputId()).val(),;
                    //add each track to PeerConnection
           => {
                        if (s.source === "screen") {
                            config[] = s.source;
                        addTrackToPeerConnection(state.pc,, track, s.encodings);
                        subscribeTrackToEndedEvent(, track, state.pc);
                // TODO: Use room state or promises to detect if publishing started to enable stop button
                state.waitFor(document.getElementById("localVideo"), 3000);
        } catch(e) {
            console.error("Failed to capture streams: " + e);
            setStatus(state.errInfoId(),, "red");
            if (state.isConnected()) { 

7.1. Media tracks addition to WebRTC connection

addTrackToPeerConnection(), PeerConnection.addTransceiver() code

const addTrackToPeerConnection = function(pc, stream, track, encodings) {
    pc.addTransceiver(track, {
        direction: "sendonly",
        streams: [stream],
        sendEncodings: encodings ? encodings : [] //passing encoding types for video simulcast tracks

7.2. Tracks onended event subscription

subscribeTrackToEndedEvent(), MediaTrack.addEventListener(), SFURoom.updateState() code

const subscribeTrackToEndedEvent = function(room, track, pc) {
    track.addEventListener("ended", function() {
        //track ended, see if we need to cleanup
        let negotiate = false;
        for (const sender of pc.getSenders()) {
            if (sender.track === track) {
                //track found, set renegotiation flag
                negotiate = true;
        if (negotiate) {
            //kickoff renegotiation

8. Streams playback

playStreams(), SFURoom.join() code

The playStreams() function:

  • initializes a base container tag to display incoming media streams
  • joins to the room on server
const playStreams = function(state) {
    if (state.isConnected() && state.isActive()) {
        //create remote display item to show remote streams
        remoteDisplay = initRemoteDisplay({
            div: document.getElementById("remoteVideo"),
            peerConnection: state.pc
    $("#" + state.buttonId()).prop('disabled', false);

9. Publishing stopping

unPublishStreams(), localDisplay.stop() code

const unPublishStreams = function(state) {
    if (localDisplay) {

10. Playback stopping

stopStreams(), remoteDisplay.stop() code

const stopStreams = function(state) {
    if (remoteDisplay) {

11. Publish/Play click action

onStartClick(), playFirstSound(), connect() code

The onStartClick() function:

  • validates input fields
  • in Safari browser, calls playFirstSound() before playback to automatically play incoming audio
  • calls connect() function
const onStartClick = function(state) {
    if (validateForm("connectionForm") && validateForm(state.formId())) {
        $("#" + state.buttonId()).prop('disabled', true);
        if ( && Browser().isSafariWebRTC()) {
            playFirstSound(document.getElementById("main"), PRELOADER_URL).then(function () {
        } else {

12. Stop click actions

onStopClick(), Session.disconnect() code

The onStopClick() function:

  • stops playback or publishing
  • disconects Websocket session
const onStopClick = function(state) {
    $("#" + state.buttonId()).prop('disabled', true);
    if (state.isConnected()) {

13. Websocket session disconnection actions

onDisconnected() code

The onDisconnected() functions:

  • sets up Publish/Play click actions
  • enables Server url and Room name fields access, if there's no parallel session
const onDisconnected = function(state) {
    $("#" + state.buttonId()).text(state.buttonText()).off('click').click(function () {
    }).prop('disabled', false);
    $("#" + state.inputId()).prop('disabled', false);
    // Check if other session is active
    if (( && playState.session)
       || ( && publishState.session)) {
    $('#url').prop('disabled', false);
    $("#roomName").prop('disabled', false);

14. Helper functions

14.1. Start publishing or playback

startStreaming() code

const startStreaming = function(state) {
    if ( {
    } else if ( {

14.2. Stop publishing or playback

stopStreaming() code

const stopStreaming = function(state) {
    if ( {
    } else if ( {
  • No labels