Let's deploy the stand for testing one WCS server with default settings. Suppose Docker to be installed locally, and no need to access the containers from outside. RTMP publishing container will also be deployed.
To deploy the stand on Docker host, do the following:
1. Unpack the stand build archive
cd ~ tar -xzf WCSTestStand-1.XXX.tar.gz
2. Edit main stand configuration file stand.conf/wcs-stand.conf
#!/usr/bin/env bash CONTAINER_PREFIX=wcs-test-stand IMAGE_PREFIX=wcs_test_stand # Docker network parameters DOCKER_NETWORK=bridge # Stand nodes CDN_NODES=o-test CDN_ENTRY_POINT=o-test FFMPEG_NODE=ffmpeg-test # Product installation path WCS_PATH=/usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer
3. Make WCS node configuration folder
cd ~/WCSTestStand-1.XXX/stand.conf mkdir o-test cd o-test touch node.conf
4. Edit WCS node configuration file, set your license and latest WCS build number from this page
#!/usr/bin/env bash NODE_IP="" NODE_PORTS=22,554,1935,8080-8084,8443-8445,8888,9091,20000-60000/tcp,20000-60000/udp JAVA_VERSION=8 JAVA_GC=CMS JAVA_HEAP=2g WCS_LICENSE="XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX" PRODUCT_LINK="https://flashphoner.com/downloads/builds/WCS/5.2/FlashphonerWebCallServer-5.2.XXX.tar.gz"
5. Make RTMP publishing node configuration folder
cd ~/WCSTestStand-1.XXX mkdir ffmpeg-test cd ffmpeg-test touch node.conf
6. Edit RTMP publishing node configuration file
#!/usr/bin/env bash NODE_IP="" NODE_PORTS=22 MEDIA_MOUNT=/opt/media
7. Copy media file to be published to RTMP publishing node configuration folder
cp ~/Videos/file.mp4 ~/WCSTestStand-1.XXX/ffmpeg-test
8. Copy public access key to ssh
cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ~/WCSTestStand-1.XXX/ssh
9. Build docker images
cd ~/WCSTestStand-1.XXX/images chmod +x build.sh sudo ./build.sh cd ..
10. Start the stand
sudo ./wcs-stand start all
11. Remember stand nodes dynamic IP addresses
Starting WCS container... > Container wcs-test-stand-o-test started (IP: ... Starting wcs-test-stand-ffmpeg-test container to publish RTMP streams... > Container wcs-test-stand-ffmpeg-test started (IP:
12. Open Player example page in browser and enter the stream name
, where
- - WCS container address
- file - media file name (see step 7) without mp4 extension
The stand is ready to local test.