Settings file
Main manager options are in /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/conf/ file.
Setting | Default value | Description |
spring.datasource.url | jdbc:h2:C:/tmp/wcs_manager;FILE_LOCK=NO | JDBC URL of the database |
spring.datasource.driverClassName | org.h2.Driver | Class of the database driver |
spring.datasource.database | org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect | SQL dialect used |
spring.datasource.username | admin | Username |
spring.datasource.password | admin | Password |
spring.datasource.ddlMode | update | Should the required tables be created in the database upon the first run create - create tables validate - do not create tables, validate integrity update - do not create tables, update the scheme |
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto | update | Automatically create and fill the database upon start: create - create validate - do not create, validate integrity update - do not create, update the scheme create-drop - create, drop tables in the end of the session |
spring.jpa.hibernate.naming_strategy | org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy | Table naming strategy in the database |
spring.jpa.database | H2 | Database dialect used | | true | Show SQL queries to the database. |
server.port | 9091 | The HTTP port, WCS Manager will respond to incoming HTTP requests to. |
manager.enable_https | true | Enable HTTPS |
manager.https_port | 8888 | HTTPS port |
manager.keystore | wss.jks | SSL certificate store |
manager.keystore_password | password | Password to the SSL certificate store | | dev | Active profile dev - if this profile is enabled, WCS Manager will listen for HTTP port and will not require authentication. production - if this profile is enabled, WCS Manager will listen for HTTPS port and will require Basic-authentication from incoming HTTPS connections. The profile can be redefined upon server startup as well as other settings. See the Startup options section. |
node_api.port | 1098 | Local WCS Core port WCS Manager will connect using the RMI interface to for data exchange. |
node_api.service_name | NodeApi | Name under which WCS Core is registered in the RMI register | | localhost | Host the RMI request is addressed to. |
rest_template.allow_self_signed | true | Accept self-signed certificated from the Web server when accessing the Web server via HTTPS/REST. |
shell.disabled-commands | autoconfig*,beans*,cron*,dashboard*,egrep*,endpoint*,env*,filter*,java*,jmx*,jul*,jvm*,jpa*,jdbc*,jndi*,less*,mail*,metrics*,shell*,sleep*,sort*,system*,thread*,repl* | Filters out unnecessary commands |
spring.main.show_banner | false | Show the banner |
node.enable_stdout | false | Enable logging of WCS Server to logs/server_stdout.log. /Can be used for debugging. |
sun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval | 36000000000 | Sets interval for the garbage collector for the RMI client, in milliseconds. This setting allows you to turn off forced execution of the garbage collector to increase performance of the server |
sun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval | 36000000000 | Sets interval for the garbage collector for the RMI server, in milliseconds. This setting allows you to turn off forced execution of the garbage collector to increase performance of the server |
stream_stat_persist_data | false | Record stream statistics to the database |
server.session-timeout | 10 | Session timeout, in minutes |
loggc | /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/logs/gc-manager- | Location and prefix of the log file of the garbage collector. The name is constructed as /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/logs/gc-manager-YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM.log |
manager.rest_redirect_http_port | 8081 | Port number to redirect REST API queries from server.port |
manager.rest_redirect_https_port | 8444 | Port number to redirect REST API queries from manager.https_port |
Settings file
This file defines logging settings for WCS Manager. By default, logs of WCS Manager are recorded to flashphoner_manager.log. See the Logging section for advanced settings and logging control.
This file is packed into wcs_manager-1.0.jar file. Use Midnight Commander to change settings - just 'enter' into wcs_manager-1.0.jar file, open file, edit and save changes. Restart WCS for changes to take effect.
Configuring WCS Manager database
Creating a database
By default, WCS Manager uses the embedded H2 database that is created and filled up upon first startup of the WCS server.
Database files are created in the home directory of the WCS server in the 'database' directory.
If the database file does not exist, an attempt to create the database afresh will be made.
If the database file already exists, WCS Manager simply connects to this database.
Filling up the database
The base is filled up with default values (users, groups, applications etc.) only if there is no a super-group record.
In all other cases the contents of the database remain intact.
Migrating to MySQL
MySQL installation and setup
Install MySQL (on CentOS 7 example) with command
rpm -Uvh yum install mysql-server
Launch MySQL and set root password
/sbin/service mysqld start /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'rootpassword'
Log in to MySQL as root
mysql -uroot -prootpassword
Create database and user, grant to the user privileges to the database
create database wcs_db; create user 'webcallserver'@'localhost' identified by 'password'; grant all privileges on wcs_db.* to 'webcallserver'@'localhost';
WCS configuration
Add the following strings to file
-Dspring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/wcs_db -Dspring.datasource.driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver -Dspring.datasource.database=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect -Dspring.datasource.username=webcallserver -Dspring.datasource.password=password
- 'wcs_db' is the database name
- 'webcallserver' and 'password' is user name and password
Restart WCS server
service webcallserver restart
Upon first startup of WCS, set spring.datasource.ddlMode=create in In this case all required tables will be created automatically. Upon a subsequent run, switch this setting to spring.datasource.ddlMode=validate. As a result connection to the existing database is performed without creating tables.
Data import from H2 to MySQL
Migrating from H2 to MySQL, data exported from H2 database can be imported to MySQL database::
a) using SQL script
mysql -uroot -prootpassword wcs_db < wcs_h2_db.sql;
b) loading data to tables from CSV files:
stop WCS server
service webcallserver stop
log in to MySQL
mysql -uroot -prootpassword
select database
use wcs_db;
load data from CSV file to existing table, e.g.,
However, SQL script and CSV files generated by H2 are not fully compatible with MySQL and would have to be changed for importing. E.g., for table STREAM_INFO_3 it would be required to change Boolean values.