- Overview
- Android SDK streaming video examples
- Android SDK SIP functions examples
- Android SDK error handling
- SurfaceViewRenderer management in Android application
- Stream publishing from Android application in background mode
- WebRTC playback volume control
- Screen capturing in Android 10 and newer
- Custom HTTP headers using while establishing Websocket connection
- Flashlight management while publishing video from main camera
- Muting and unmuting user actions in Android application
- Server SSL certificates checking while Websocket connection establishing
- Bluetooth headphone usage
- Publishing/playback channel quality control
- Using UDP or TCP transport for WebRTC publishing/playback
- Video capturing from custom software source
- Stream availability checking by name
- Audio/video track status detection: muted/unmuted
- Sending JSON data to stream subscribers
- Microphone testing and sound level receiving
- Publishing bitrate constraints support
- Connection to an existing session
- Building AAB to upload to Google Play
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