Since build it is possible to check if a stream with a given name is available on a server for playback, like WebSDK function Stream.available().
To check, do the following:
1. Create a separate Stream object with the stream name to check availability
StreamOptions streamOptions = new StreamOptions(mPlayStreamView.getText().toString()); Stream stream = session.createStream(streamOptions);
2. Create a callback function to receive the stream availability flag and a possible error reason phrase
stream.setAvailableStreamCallback(new AvailableStreamCallback() { @Override public void on(boolean isAvailable, String info) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mAvailableStreamStatusView.setText(String.valueOf(isAvailable)); mAvailableStreamInfoView.setText(info); } }); } });
3. Call Stream.available() method