The example shows how to convert stream published on WCS server to HLS and play it in browser supporting HLS playback natively, on video tag level. HLS stream cut starts automatically when stream is requested by HLS URL, for example `https://test1.flashphoner.com:8445/test/test.m3u8` on the screenshot below
Since build 2.0.244, the example supports the following parameters:
- src - stream full HLS URL to play, should be encoded with URI, for example
- autoplay - automatically play the HLS URL, in this case all the input fields and buttons are hidden:
(by default) ortrue
The player URL example with parameters as displayed on the screenshot above (the link is available in Permalink
The player URL example with autoplay enabled
In this case the stream should be played automatically with audio muted. A viewer should use a loud slider in the player interface to unmute audio.
The code of the example
The source code can be accessed on server by the following path:
hls-native.css - player page styles file
hls-native.html - player page
hls-native.js - player launch script
../hls-player/player-page.html - common player page elements for three HLS playback examples
The example can be tested using the fiollowing URL:
Where host is WCS server address
Analyzing the code
To analyze the code get hls-native.js file version with hash 1703e13 which is available here and can be downloaded in build 2.0.244.
1. Loading the player page
const loadPlayerPage = function() { loadPage("../hls-player/player-page.html", "playerPage", initPage ); }
2. The player HTML page initializing
If browser does not support HLS native playback, player will not be initialized and a warning will be displayed
const initPage = function() { if (playSrc) { setValue("fullLink", decodeURIComponent(playSrc)); } else if (autoplay) { console.warn("No HLS URL set, autoplay disabled"); autoplay = false; } remoteVideo = document.getElementById('remoteVideo'); if (remoteVideo.canPlayType('application/vnd.apple.mpegurl') && Browser.isSafariWebRTC()) { console.log("Using Native HLS player"); if (autoplay) { // There should not be any visible item on the page unless player hideAllToAutoplay(); // The player should use all available page width setUpPlayerItem(true); // The player should be muted to automatically start playback initVideoPlayer(remoteVideo, true); playBtnClick(); } else { setText("header", "HLS Native Player Minimal"); displayCommonItems(); setUpButtons(); enablePlaybackStats(); // The player should have a maximum fixed size setUpPlayerItem(false); // The player can be unmuted because user should click Play button initVideoPlayer(remoteVideo, false); } } else { setText("notifyFlash", "Your browser doesn't support native HLS playback"); disableItem("applyBtn"); toggleInputs(false); } }
3. Video tag initializing to play
const initVideoPlayer = function(video, muted) { if (video) { video.style.backgroundColor = "black"; video.muted = muted; if (Browser.isiOS()) { // iOS hack when using standard controls to leave fullscreen mode setWebkitFullscreenHandlers(video); } } }
4. HLS stream URL forming
If authentication key and token are set, they will be included to stream URL
const getVideoSrc = function(src) { let videoSrc = src; if (validateForm()) { let streamName = getValue('playStream'); streamName = encodeURIComponent(streamName); videoSrc = getValue("urlServer") + '/' + streamName + '/' + streamName + '.m3u8'; let key = getValue('key'); let token = getValue("token"); if (key.length > 0 && token.length > 0) { videoSrc += "?" + key + "=" + token; } } setValue("fullLink", videoSrc); return videoSrc; }
5. Player launching
const playBtnClick = function() { let videoSrc = getVideoSrc(getValue("fullLink")); if (videoSrc) { remoteVideo.onloadedmetadata = () => { console.log("Play native HLS"); remoteVideo.play(); onStarted(); }; remoteVideo.onplaying = () => { console.log("playing event fired"); displayPermalink(videoSrc); }; remoteVideo.src = videoSrc; } }
6. Playback stopping
const stopBtnClick = function() { if (remoteVideo != null) { console.log("Stop HTML5 player"); remoteVideo.pause(); remoteVideo.currentTime = 0; remoteVideo.removeAttribute('src'); remoteVideo.load(); } onStopped(); }
7. Getting an available playback statistics from HTML5 video tag
HTML5Stats code
const PlaybackStats = function(interval) { const playbackStats = { interval: interval || STATS_INTERVAL, timer: null, stats: null, start: function() { let video = remoteVideo; playbackStats.stop(); stats = HTML5Stats(video); playbackStats.timer = setInterval(playbackStats.displayStats, playbackStats.interval); setText("videoWidth", "N/A"); setText("videoHeight", "N/A"); setText("videoRate", "N/A"); setText("videoFps", "N/A"); showItem("stats"); }, stop: function() { if (playbackStats.timer) { clearInterval(playbackStats.timer); playbackStats.timer = null; } playbackStats.stats = null; hideItem("stats"); }, displayStats: function() { if (stats.collect()) { let width = stats.getWidth(); let height = stats.getHeight(); let bitrate = stats.getBitrate(); let fps = stats.getFps(); setText("videoWidth", width); setText("videoHeight", height); if (bitrate !== undefined) { setText("videoRate", Math.round(bitrate)); } if (fps !== undefined) { setText("videoFps", fps.toFixed(1)); } } } }; return playbackStats; }