When 'FAILED' session, stream or call status is received, Stream.getInfo() method returns a description string of error occured.
Errors list
Error | Description string |
streamStatusInfo | |
FAILED_BY_ICE_ERROR | Failed by ICE error |
FAILED_BY_ICE_TIMEOUT | Failed by ICE timeout |
FAILED_BY_KEEP_ALIVE | Failed by ICE keep alive |
FAILED_BY_DTLS_FINGERPRINT_ERROR | Failed by DTLS fingerprint error |
FAILED_BY_DTLS_ERROR | Failed by DTLS error |
FAILED_BY_HLS_WRITER_ERROR | Failed by HLS writer error |
FAILED_BY_RTMP_WRITER_ERROR | Failed by RTMP writer error |
FAILED_BY_RTP_ACTIVITY | Failed by RTP activity |
STOPPED_BY_SESSION_DISCONNECT | Stopped by session disconnect |
STOPPED_BY_REST_TERMINATE | Stopped by rest /terminate |
STOPPED_BY_PUBLISHER_STOP | Stopped by publisher stop |
STOPPED_BY_USER | Stopped by user |
FAILED_BY_ERROR | Failed by error |
FAILED_TO_ADD_STREAM_TO_PROXY | Failed to add stream to proxy |
DISTRIBUTOR_STOPPED | Distributor stopped |
PUBLISH_STREAM_IS_NOT_READY | Publish stream is not ready |
STREAM_NOT_FOUND | Stream not found |
STREAM_NAME_ALREADY_IN_USE | Stream name is already in use |
MEDIASESSION_ID_NULL | MediaSessionId is null |
MEDIASESSION_ID_ALREADY_IN_USE | MediaSessionId is already in use |
SESSION_NOT_READY | Session not ready |
SESSION_DOES_NOT_EXIST | Session does not exist |
RTSP_HAS_WRONG_FORMAT | Rtsp has wrong format |
FILE_HAS_WRONG_FORMAT | File has wrong format |
FAILED_TO_CONNECT_TO_RTSP_STREAM | Failed to connect to rtsp stream |
RTSP_STREAM_NOT_FOUND | Rtsp stream not found |
RTSPAGENT_SHUTDOWN | RtspAgent shutdown |
STREAM_FAILED | Stream failed |
NO_COMMON_CODECS | No common codecs |
GOT_EXCEPTION_WHILE_STREAMING_FILE | Got exception while streaming file |
REQUESTED_STREAM_SHUTDOWN | Requested stream shutdown |
FAILED_TO_READ_FILE | Failed to read file |
FILE_NOT_FOUND | File not found |
FAILED_TO_CONNECT_TO_ORIGIN_STREAM | Failed to connect to origin stream |
CDN_STREAM_NOT_FOUND | CDN stream not found |
FAILED_TO_GET_AGENT_STORAGE | Failed to get agent storage |
AGENT_SERVICING_ORIGIN_STREAM_IS_SHUTTING_DOWN | Agent servicing origin stream is shutting down |
TERMINATED_BY_KEEP_ALIVE | Terminated by keep-alive |
TRANSCODING_REQUIRED_BUT_DISABLED | Transcoding is requred, but disabled |
NO_AVAILABLE_TRANSCODERS | No available transcoder nodes in CDN |
callStatusInfo | |
FAILED_BY_SESSION_CREATION | Failed by session creation |
FAILED_BY_ICE_ERROR | Failed by ICE error |
FAILED_BY_RTP_ACTIVITY | Failed by RTP activity |
FAILED_BY_RTMP_WRITER_ERROR | Failed by RTMP writer error |
FAILED_BY_DTLS_FINGERPRINT_ERROR | Failed by DTLS fingerprint error |
FAILED_BY_DTLS_ERROR | Failed by DTLS error |
FAILED_BY_ERROR | Failed by error |
FAILED_BY_REQUEST_TIMEOUT | Failed by request timeout |
TRANSCODING_REQUIRED_BUT_DISABLED | Transcoding is requred, but disabled |
errorInfo | |
NONE_OF_MEDIAPROVIDERS_AVAILABLE | None of MediaProviders available |
NONE_OF_PREFERRED_MEDIAPROVIDERS_AVAILABLE | None of preferred MediaProviders available |
FLASHPHONER_API_NOT_INITIALIZED | Flashphoner API is not initialized |
OPTIONS_URLSERVER_MUST_BE_PROVIDED | options.urlServer must be provided |
INVALID_SESSION_STATE | Invalid session state |
OPTIONS_MUST_BE_PROVIDED | options must be provided |
INVALID_CALL_STATE | Invalid call state |
EVENT_CANT_BE_NULL | Event can't be null |
CALLBACK_NEEDS_TO_BE_A_VALID_FUNCTION | Callback needs to be a valid function |
INVALID_SESSION_STATE | Invalid session state |
OPTIONS_NAME_MUST_BE_PROVIDED | options.name must be provided |
CAN_NOT_SWITCH_CAM | Number of cams is less than 2 or already used custom stream |
CAN_NOT_SWITCH_MIC | Number of mics is less than 2 or already used custom stream |
LOCAL_ERROR | Local error raised in browser |
Local browser errors catching
When local browser error is catched, Stream.getInfo() method returns Flashphoner.constants.ERROR_INFO.LOCAL_ERROR. In this case Stream.getErrorInfo() method returns loacl error description based on exception information, for example:
- Requested device not found - all microphones or cameras are disabled
- Could not start video source - camera is busy by another application (Chromium-browser message)
- Failed to allocate videosource - camera is busy by another application (Firefox message)
- Permission denied - access to camera/mic is not allowed
- Invalid constraint - unsupported resolution is selected in Safari
- This provider doesn't support getMediaAccess - WSPlayer is used, or pablisher page is opened via insecure connection (HTTP)
Error handling code example
As an example. let's take the Two Way Streaming application code version with hash 501f72f, that is available to download in build
function setStatus(selector, status, stream) { var statusField = $(selector); statusField.text(status).removeClass(); if (status == "PLAYING" || status == "ESTABLISHED" || status == "PUBLISHING") { ... } else if (status == "FAILED") { if (stream) { if (stream.published()) { switch(stream.getInfo()){ case STREAM_STATUS_INFO.STREAM_NAME_ALREADY_IN_USE: $("#publishInfo").text("Server already has a publish stream with the same name, try using different one").attr("class", "text-muted"); break; case ERROR_INFO.LOCAL_ERROR: $("#publishInfo").text("Browser error detected: " + stream.getErrorInfo()).attr("class", "text-muted"); break; default: $("#publishInfo").text("Other: "+stream.getInfo()).attr("class", "text-muted"); break; } } else { switch(stream.getInfo()){ case STREAM_STATUS_INFO.SESSION_DOES_NOT_EXIST: $("#playInfo").text("Actual session does not exist").attr("class", "text-muted"); break; case STREAM_STATUS_INFO.STOPPED_BY_PUBLISHER_STOP: $("#playInfo").text("Related publisher stopped its stream or lost connection").attr("class", "text-muted"); break; case STREAM_STATUS_INFO.SESSION_NOT_READY: $("#playInfo").text("Session is not initialized or terminated on play ordinary stream").attr("class", "text-muted"); break; case STREAM_STATUS_INFO.RTSP_STREAM_NOT_FOUND: $("#playInfo").text("Rtsp stream not found where agent received '404-Not Found'").attr("class", "text-muted"); break; case STREAM_STATUS_INFO.FAILED_TO_CONNECT_TO_RTSP_STREAM: $("#playInfo").text("Failed to connect to rtsp stream").attr("class", "text-muted"); break; case STREAM_STATUS_INFO.FILE_NOT_FOUND: $("#playInfo").text("File does not exist, check filename").attr("class", "text-muted"); break; case STREAM_STATUS_INFO.FILE_HAS_WRONG_FORMAT: $("#playInfo").text("File has wrong format on play vod, this format is not supported").attr("class", "text-muted"); break; default: $("#playInfo").text("Other: "+stream.getInfo()).attr("class", "text-muted"); break; } } } statusField.attr("class", "text-danger"); } }